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—Next day,Y/n—
Diluc put a blindfold over my eyes and made me wait here until he gets back.I think he got the dress but of course he wouldn't tell me.He wanted to keep this a secret.I'm excited yet a bit nervous for some reason.

I hear footsteps outside and the door opening."I'm here dear" Diluc says,carefully placing his hand over mine."Is everything ready? Can I see?" I ask and he falls silent.I feel his hand leave mine and I feel the blindfold loosen up.I look up at the bed and my jaw drops.

It's the most beautiful dress I've seen in my life.It's a long,sleeveless,crimson red dress.It's so long I think it slightly reaches the ground.It's also so voluminous,with lots and lots of red layers.This is so beautiful..

I suddenly feel Diluc's arms wrap around my waist."What do you think love? Do you like it?" He asks.I can feel his voice is slightly nervous.Does he think I don't like this? It's impossible to not fall in love with this dress.

"Of course I like it.It's so beautiful.." I say,slowly walking towards it with Diluc following me.I gently touch the many layers of the dress then I turn around at my lover.I peck his lips and I wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you.Thank you so much.I love it" I say.He wraps his arms around me as well."I'm glad" he whispers in my ear.That dress is so beautiful I can't believe it's mine."I'll have Hillie and Moco make your hair" he says and I look at him surprised."Oh alright" I could do it myself but I guess they know better than me.

"Tomorrow night it's going to be fun.Even though..I don't really trust the Fatui I'm sure it's going to be alright" I say and he cups my face in his hands."I'll protect you no matter what.They took you away from me once.I won't let it happen again.." he says,kissing my forehead.

As we stay there close to each other,we hear knocks on the door.Diluc sighs."Yes?" He says and a man starts speaking from the other side of the door."Master Diluc I'm sorry to interrupt you but you are requested at the tavern" he says."Alright I'll go" he says and I assume the man left.Diluc turns his attention to me again.

    "I'm sorry my love I have to leave.Try this dress on and when I come back tell me how perfect it looks on you" he says and I smile,pecking his lips."I will.Take care" I say and he nods,lifting my hands and kissing my knuckles before leaving.I look down at the dress with a smile.This is perfect..I love him so much.

—Next day,Diluc—
We have two hours left until the party starts.Even though I'm sure everything will be alright,deep down I still have that weird feeling.There's no need to worry though let's not think about that.I brush off my bad thoughts as I look at myself in the mirror.

My hair is up in a high ponytail and I've completely changed my outfit.I'm wearing a black dress shirt,a gray waistcoat with a silver phoenix insignia that has a red gem in the eye,black trousers,straps on my thigh,black gloves,finger chains and black knee-high boots with red insignias.On top of that I have a different coat from my usual one,a red tailcoat with four tails.It looks..different.

   I suddenly hear the door of the bedroom opening and I turn around.My jaw drops as I look at my love wearing the beautiful dress I got for her.It fits her perfectly..she looks incredible.Her hair is straightened on her shoulders and she has small makeup on her face.

Even though I'm looking at her with such a surprised expression,I'm sure the one surprised from us is her.She stares at me for a long moment before I walk at her,placing my gloved hands on her waist."You look..incredible" I say and she looks in my eyes."You look incredible.This outfit suits you so good! And the hair is amazing" she says excitedly.

   "Thank you love.Are you all ready to go? It'll take a while until we get to Liyue Harbor so we should get going" I say and she nods."Yeah.Let's go" she says and we walk out of our shared bedroom.The three maids are waiting for us in the main room and they smile at us."You both look amazing Master Diluc and Lady Y/n" Adeline says."Thank you" Y/n answers and I nod.

Y/n takes the invitation from the table and she turns at me.I smile,gently taking her hand.We walk out of the Winery where the carriage is waiting for us.We walk together and I open the door for her.Y/n climbs in the carriage and I follow,closing the door after me.We sit down close to each other and shortly after the carriage starts moving.

I still have that feeling..what if something will happen? No I must get these thoughts out of my head.Nothing bad will happen and even if it will,I'll be there to protect my love.She's everything.I don't care if something happens to me as long as-

"Diluc! Are you there?" I hear her sweet voice.I zoned out."Yes.I'm sorry" I say and she places her hand over mine."Don't be sorry.And don't be so nervous we are going there to have fun.Nothing bad will happen don't worry" Y/n reassures me.I smile,softly cupping her face with my hands.

We share a kiss and she rests her head on my shoulder.Maybe she is right there's no need for me to be so nervous.

—Time skip,Y/n—
It's been an hour now,the sun has set and we arrived in Liyue Harbor.I reassured Diluc that everything will be fine but now I kind of have that feeling as well.I wonder if they will be here.Diluc and the Fatui are enemies after all..No.Let's brush off all these thoughts.

Diluc intertwines our hands and we walk together towards the Northland Bank.It'll be alright.After walking up on many stairs,we finally arrive at the Northland Bank where two men are guarding the door."Invitation please" one of them says.I give him the invitation we received and he checks it closely.

While he is checking the invitation,the other man is eyeing Diluc very suspiciously.He knows something but he's keeping silent."You're good.Have fun" the man says,giving me the invitation back.I nod and they let us inside.Me and Diluc walk in the Northland Bank,lots of people inside.They're chatting,drinking and dancing to the beautiful classical music playing in the background.

"Let's not separate love" Diluc whispers to me and I nod.We sit there,admiring the beautiful design of the bank when I suddenly feel a presence behind us.I look at Diluc with the corner of my eye and he frowns,confused.The presence is stronger now.Diluc doesn't feel it? Maybe if I ignore it..oh.

Someone tapped on my shoulder.

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