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—Next day,Y/n—
I slowly open my eyes,looking at my surroundings.Oh wow I really fell asleep in the wild.The statue with the Anemo Archon protected me of course.Thanks Lord Barbatos.It's morning though! And guess what that means.Exactly! Let's go to the city!

I quickly get up,walking towards the direction of the city.I'll need to walk for some time but it's not a problem.Also what if I encounter monsters? I don't have any weapon or anything like that.I'll just run I guess.

I got out of Windrise and I'm currently walking on the main road that takes right to Mondstadt.I'm so excited and happy.I walk faster now,walking pass some weird structure with some stairs.What is this thing? I've never seen something like this.

  I quickly brush it off,seeing the bridge of Mondstadt in distance.I've been waiting for so long to see this again.I smile,stopping right in front of the bridge.I look up at the tall buildings in Mondstadt and I turn around,looking at all my surroundings.I missed this scenery so much..but I'm back here now.

I walk on the bridge towards the gates and I see a little boy standing on the bridge.Not my business..I keep walking until I see many pigeons on the bridge.What is going on.In the second they saw me,all the pigeons flew up.I suddenly hear the voice of the boy from earlier."Hey! You scared off all the pigeons.." he says and I look at him confused.

  "They are going to come back" I say and he looks up at me."What if they never come back? Just like father did.." he says and my eyes widen.Oh.I feel so bad now."I'm sorry" I say before I continue my walk to Mondstadt.I notice two men standing at the gates of the city."Name and business" one of them says.

"Y/n and I'm just visiting" I say and they nod."Mondstadt welcomes you!" They both say in the same time and I smile,stepping in the city.So many people! I look up on the stairs seeing so many different things.Woah this placed changed but it's still the good old Mondstadt I know.

I smile,walking towards that place.My heart is beating so fast it might fly out of my chest.I'm so nervous..I walk up on the street and I look up,noticing it.My heart is beating so fast and I have a weird feeling in my stomach.

I get at the door and I take a big breath,building my courage and stepping inside.The smell of alcohol hit me like a wall but I ignore it,looking up."Y-Y/n?! You.." Charles says."Hi Charles" I say with a smile and he quickly runs at me from behind the counter,hugging me.I hug him back."Y/n! Where were you all this time? Are you alright?" He asks.

  "Yes Charles I'm alright.I'm sorry for disappearing like that but I'm back here now" I say with a smile and we break the hug."Please have a seat" he says and I sit down on the bar stall."Y/n I'm so glad you are back.Master Diluc is a completely different person.He is so cold and he rarely talks.His hate towards everyone grew so big he rarely talks with anyone" he says and my heart aches in my chest.

"Plus,he has just returned to Mondstadt actually.He went missing for years and he returned yesterday" he says.Wait.Years?! How...how is that possible? I remember being in the Abyss for weeks maybe a month or two..but not years.The time goes faster there? I let Diluc all alone for years?!

"O-oh...do you know where I can find him?" I ask and he nods."Yeah.He is at the Dawn Winery but I don't suggest you to go there alone.It's pretty far and it could be dangerous.There are monsters and-" I get up from the bar stall."Thank you Charles! I have to go at the Dawn Winery!" I say,quickly walking out of the tavern.I walk as fast as possible through Mondstadt,walking out of the city as fast as I walked in.I have to go at the Dawn Winery.

   Have I really been away for years? How fast does time go in the Abyss? I remember being there for a few months not years! The bastards..they didn't even tell me how fast time goes there! Diluc was all alone all these years..He went missing too? And he returned yesterday? I can't believe this.I feel so bad now.

I'm running as fast as my legs can,being in Springvale now.Running in heels really is something isn't it? I'm halfway there come on.I pass through the small town in Springvale and the people give me weird looks but that's the last thing I care about right now.I go through the forest,stopping for just a second to catch my breath.I inhale and exhale,then I start walking again.I'm not running now.My lungs are crying at this point.

—Time skip—
   I catch my breath,finally being here.I'm at the Dawn Winery.After so much time.So many memories in this place..my heart is pounding in my chest and I have that weird feeling in my stomach.I know he is here.What is his reaction going to be? Oh i'm so nervous.

I walk at the main door but before I can arrive there I notice something red between the grapes.My heart seems like it's going to explode anytime.I slowly walk towards the red hair without taking my eyes off of him not even for a second.My hands are shaking and my heart feels like exploding.

I stop moving,staring at his beautiful figure as he is busy looking and analyzing some grapes.He's even more beautiful now..He grabs some grapes and turns around,noticing me.Me and Diluc stare at each other for what it felt like a year.He suddenly drops the grapes,walking towards me.

  His cold eyes hold so many emotions.Diluc stops in front of me,staring at me with such love.I feel hot tears streaming down my face and without thinking twice,I wrap my arms around him tightly.He wraps his arms around me,holding me so tight I barely have air.That's the last thing I care about right now.

"Diluc..." I whisper,holding him as close as I can to me."Don't talk my dear..just.." he holds my waist tightly and I start crying in the crook of his neck.I hate crying but I can't help it now.I've been dreaming of this moment for way too long.I'm in the arms of the man I love.

We slowly pull away and he places his gloved hands on my cheeks,wiping my tears so gentle that I might break."Don't cry.." he whispers and I look in his beautiful eyes."I'm sorry..I'm so sorry" I say,resting my head on his chest."Don't apologize my dear..I should be the one apologizing.I couldn't stop them.It's all my-" I place a hand over his mouth to stop him from talking.

"Don't say that.Don't put everything on yourself Diluc" I say and he looks at me,his lower lip slightly trembling."It's okay to cry..let your emotions out Diluc.It's not-" he approaches his face to me and I look at him surprised.He stops,his face inches away from mine.He's nervous...

I smile,tilting my head and connecting our lips together.He hums and carefully places his gloved hands on each side of my waist.I wrap my arms around his neck,slowly kissing him.Our kiss is so slow and passionate..butterflies are erupting in my stomach.

We slowly part away and look into each other's eyes.The warmth I craved so bad for it's here..I'm with the man I love.I need nothing else than this..

Diluc gently picks me up,planting a kiss on my cheek.I'm finally back here..no one will separate us anymore.

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