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   I sigh,walking with two Abyss Lectors behind me.I was requested by the Fatui to meet.I know some things about them..I heard from father Crepus and sometimes from Diluc as well.

Of course I wasn't allowed to walk without protection so I had Abyss Lectors come with me all the time with every single step I took.Who knows what these guys have planned.Me and my 'guards' walk out of the portal they created in a huge room.

The sound of my heels echo through the whole room that looks like some cathedral or something.I look up where I notice tons of Fatui standing in the back and in front of them,two tall men are standing with some beautiful coats on them.

  The first man is wearing a white coat with an expensive looking shirt underneath,a pair of black pants and some super expensive looking shoes.He has long,dark hair with a pair of glasses on his nose.But even with the pair of glasses..his eyes are closed.Why is he wearing glasses then?..

  The second man is wearing the same looking white coat with a gray longer shirt underneath,a pair of black pants and some boots.He has blue hair and a mask is covering almost all of his face.And don't get me started on the tons of accessories he has.Are these two some important men in the Fatui? Maybe.

Everyone looks in my direction and I walk towards them.The Abyss Lectors stop further from me,keeping me safe distance.The man with glasses suddenly steps towards me and the Abyss Lectors are quick to react.I stop them with a move of my hand and they return to their position.

The tall man stops in front of me and carefully lifts up my hand.He kisses the top of my hand and I smile at him."It's a pleasure to meet you..queen Y/n" he says,his soft voice flowing like honey."Pleasure it's mine sir.." I stop and he chuckles."Ah apologies.I'm Regrator" he says and I nod."Pleasure it's mine sir Regrator" I say and he slowly lets go of my hand,taking some steps back.

  The other man was silent this whole time until he starts speaking."I am Il Dottore.Or..some people call me The Doctor.Me and Regrator are Fatui Harbingers.It's a pleasure to meet you queen Y/n.We thank you for accepting our request to meet" he says.His voice is soft but he sounded a bit..forced to say these things.

"Of course.It's nice to meet you both.Now..what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?" I ask and Regrator chuckles."Ah going straight for business.Very well then" he says then looks at Dottore.

"We've heard rumors about a new person wanting to join the Abyss.She has big plans and wants to be the queen from what we know" Dottore says and I frown."Yes..that's right.So,we have an offer for you.If anything happens with you,how about you join us? The place as the queen is taken but you can easily be one of the Harbinger's assistant.Maybe mines" Regrator says.

Someone wants to take my place and be the Abyss queen? Yes finally! Please get here faster.And me to join the Fatui? After I leave this place I'm going back to Mondstadt..I don't want to work with another organization like the Abyss.What should I say now..

"I really appreciate your request and I thank you for all the information but..there's something that I can't quite understand.Why are you telling me all this? The Abyss and the Fatui aren't really the best friends you know" I say,keeping my posture.They both stop for a second.

"Oh well..we heard that you are doing a very good job in the Abyss.So,we thought that if anything happens and you lose your place,you can always contact us.I personally need an assistant and I think you would be perfect for that" Regrator says,stepping towards me again.

I look at him as he approaches and stops in front of me.Manipulators.. "I thank you for this offer sir Regrator.It's very nice of you.But I can't be sure what the future has to offer me.So unfortunately,please forgive me but I can't make you any promises.I'm sure it's great to work as your assistant" I say with a smile.

He chuckles."Very well then.I understand.It's completely normal to be cautious about the future.But again,please consider my offer.I assure you it will be very nice and easy for you to be my assistant.." he says,his voice slightly changing into a more demanding tone.

Dottore chuckles from behind."Of course.Also consider being my assistant.I'm in desperate needs of a new assistant and you would be perfect for that" he says with a smile on his face.This man gives me creeps for some reason..

"Alright.I thank you for all the information and the offers.It was very nice to meet you both but now unfortunately I will take my leave" I say and Regrator picks up my hand again,kissing the top of it softly."Farewell,your Majesty" he says and I smile at him.Dottore asks for my other hand and I accept.He kisses the top of my other hand and I smile at them both.

I slowly turn around,the Abyss Lectors waiting for me.I walk towards the open portal,my heels echoing through the cathedral again.Before stepping in the portal,I look at them one more time and I wave before stepping into the portal and returning to the Abyss base.I let out the breath I didn't even knew I was holding,my hands slightly shaking.These two men are very dangerous and I felt that.

Their presence was overwhelming and consuming.Who knows what these two are capable of doing? Or who knows what all the Harbingers are capable of doing? Regrator seemed very calm and intelligent,his voice very convincing.But behind that smile he always has,knowing he's a Harbinger I'm sure he loves to take matters into his own hands.He's such a manipulator..

As for Dottore..he makes me feel weird.He's also known as 'The Doctor' so who knows what kind of doctor he is.Working as his assistant must be hard.Very.Will I think about their offers? I don't know.

If what they said about the person wanting to be the Abyss queen is right,I'm as happy as I could be.That means I'll soon go back to Diluc! So I don't think I would go and work with the Fatui.I want to break all connections with these dangerous organizations and live a happy and calm life with the man I love.

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