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—Y/n,next day—
I sigh,sitting on my throne and doing some papers.They explained me how to complete the papers and now that's all I'm doing.This is so boring.I've been signing papers for like an hour.I don't want to keep signing these.They are also pointless.Why do I have to sign all these papers for? Just to waste time? So boring.But I have to do them no matter what.I promised.

This room is so big and cold.I want warmth.. comfort..I want my life back.Sitting on a throne and completing papers is not life.I feel like in a prison that I can't get out of.But I must continue..I have to return at Diluc.I just need someone to come here so I can declare them the queen or king of the Abyss.Until then,I have to remain here.

A portal opens in the middle of the room and my 'most loyal' Abyss Herald appears in the room.I hate these creatures.I hate them all.He bows his head in front of me and I nod,returning to my papers."How are you doing your Majesty?" He asks."I'm very good thanks" I say,not looking at him.

"I understand that doing these papers must be tiring for you Majesty.But unfortunately,you have to complete them all" he says and I sigh."Yeah I know that.That's why you are here?" I ask and he shakes his head."Of course not.I'm here to inform you that today you have a meeting" he says and I look at him confused.

"A meeting? With who?" I ask and he looks at me."Just some other Abyss members.Nothing too special.They just want to meet you,your Majesty" he says and I nod,returning to my papers.There's silence for a moment until I feel him place a piece of paper on my desk.

"What's this?" I ask and he speaks."You have to read this out loud to everyone.I wrote this for you because I know how busy you are" I look down at the paper.I have to..read that out loud? I don't like to talk things in front of many people..

"So,do you have any questions your Majesty?" He asks and I shake my head."Okay.I'll get going then.If you need anything please let me know" he says and I nod."Okay.I only have to finish these papers right?" I ask and he nods."Yes.I'll come here later to pick up the papers your Majesty" he says,bowing his head before leaving the big room I'm in.

And just like that,I'm alone all over again.

It's not that bad to be a queen I guess.I don't have many things to do anyway.I sit on this throne,looking at the walls and completing random papers all day.At night,I go in my room that's very close to the throne room,I take a quick shower and I go to sleep.And then everything repeats.It's so boring.Why is no one coming here so they can replace me.

I just want to leave this place once and forever.I want to return to Diluc.I'm so worried for him.Who knows how he's doing all by himself in there? He lost everyone that was special to him and I'm so worried.He is definitely not alright and I know that.I have to return to Mondstadt but these horrible creatures won't let me leave.

  I sigh,cracking my knuckles and looking at the small pile of papers I have left to complete.Only some papers left and I finish everything.For today at least.Then I'll probably read this speech in my head once to make sure I don't mistake anything.I still don't like reading things in front of people.I'm afraid to stutter.

—Time skip—
  After I finished all the papers and I was ready to read the speech before actually saying it,an Abyss Lector teleported in my room and said the meeting is ready and I have to go.I didn't have time to repeat this.Not even once! I'm so nervous right now.It will be fine I guess.

I walk along with the Abyss Lector in a huge room where I see a lot of abyss monsters waiting.They are all waiting for me.As soon as they see me,they all bow their heads and I awkwardly walk on some stairs,getting on a small platform.I look down at all the monsters who look at me with anticipation.

"Hello everyone" I start my small speech and all the monsters greet me back with a 'Good day your Majesty' in their high pitched voices.I can feel my fingers slightly trembling.Why am I so nervous? These aren't even real people.They are some monsters.They know I'm their 'queen' so they will believe everything I say.I guess.

"Today,we are gathered here to commemorate all the Abyss members that we lost in the last days.They were some true heroes.They sacrificed themselves for the Abyss.And for that,I thank them myself.As the queen,all of the members are equal in my eyes.Every single one of you is a true hero,ready to sacrifice themselves anytime" I say,taking a small break while everyone is staring at me.

I'm so nervous.All the emotions are running through me right now.I hate talking to so many people like this.

"I thank you with all my heart and I wish nothing but the best for all of us and the abyss members who are out there on the field.Long live the Abyss" I say and all the monsters start talking in their weird language,clapping their..hands from happiness.They really ate every single thing I said.

I also said such lies.But it's not like I had any other choice.This asshole would kill me 100% if I will ever try escaping or not doing as they say.I have to win my freedom in here.I have to win their trusts so I can go back to Mondstadt,to my dearest Diluc.I miss him so much.His warmth that made me so comfortable every time I was cold,those beautiful red hair locks that I always played with and his pretty red eyes.I miss him so much.

But it's fine.I just have to wait some more until someone comes here.Then.I'll just throw the throne and everything in their hands and I'm off.I can't wait for that day.

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