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—Two weeks later,Y/n—
Today is the day.I am getting married to the man I love.I am getting married to Diluc.I've been waiting for this moment for so long.

I am wearing a long,white dress that's dragging on the floor behind me and a veil on my head.I am so nervous my heart is pounding in my chest.I have to control my emotions..but it's so hard.Okay.Everything is perfect.No need to be so worried.

"Lady Y/n! Are you ready?" I hear Adeline's voice say."Yes.I am ready" I say and she nods.I walk outside the house,noticing my bridesmaids.They are so beautiful."You all look amazing.Thank you for being here" I say and they smile at me."You look amazing dear lady Y/n.But we have time for that later we should go or we will be late" Lisa says.The others nod.

Me,Hillie,Moco,Eula and Lisa get in the carriage that will take us to Mondstadt.There,my people are waiting for us at the Cathedral.We sit down in the carriage that starts moving shortly after and I look down at my hands."Oh dear it's normal to be nervous but try to loosen up a little.It's the day you get married" Lisa says."Yeah.It's normal to be nervous lady Y/n but focus on him" Eula says.

"Please call me Y/n where it's just us" I say and they nod."I just..have that feeling in my stomach.I can't believe I'm getting married" I say."Don't worry dear everything will turn out amazing.There's no need to worry so much.Just focus on you and Diluc" Lisa says and I nod with a smile.

They are right.I shouldn't worry so much.I'm so glad they are here with me.Kaeya is the reason I met Lisa and I'm so glad I did.She's very flirty all the time but she gives such great advice all the time.It's so nice to talk to her.

—Small time skip—
We are at the Cathedral.Oh Archons help me control my emotions.Before we step in the Cathedral where everyone is waiting for us,Hillie and Moco place the veil over my face and give me the bouquet of flowers I have to hold."Everything is ready" Hillie says as they walk behind me,gently grabbing and holding my dress.I take a breath as the doors open and we step in the cathedral.There are no sounds other than a pretty Lyre music in the background.That green and white dressed bard Venti is playing.

I slowly walk towards the altar where my love is waiting for me.I fix my eyes on him and him only.He's the only one I focus on right now.I arrive in front of him and the girls slowly place my dress down,going to their seats.Diluc stares at me lovingly with his fiery red eyes.

Victoria,a nun here at the Cathedral that's standing in front of us starts speaking."Today,all Mondstadt has gathered here to witness the joining of two lives.Diluc Ragnvindr,and Y/n L/n.From what we all know,their lives were not easy at all.So many obstacles and difficulties stepped in their lives.But,thanks to their outstanding love,they remained the same" she says,turning to me.

"Lady Y/n L/n.Do you take this man to be your lawfully husband,to live in peace,to love him,comfort him,keep him,in health and sickness,in joy and sorrow,and to be with him from this day until you will pass away?" She asks."I do" I answer and she nods,turning at Diluc."Sir Diluc Ragnvindr,do you take this woman to be your lawfully wife,to live in peace,to love her,comfort her,keep her,on health and sickness,in joy and sorrow,and to be with her from this day until you will pass away?" She asks again."I do" Diluc says.

  She nods again."Please sigh here" she says,pointing to a paper on the Altar.I pick up the pen,signing where it says 'Wife's signature' and then Diluc does the same to his side.Victoria nods,taking the paper."If any of you think there's a reason these two people shouldn't intertwine their lives speak now or forever hold your silence" she says and no one says anything.Not even Venti the bard is playing his Lyre right now.

"Good.Then,I proclaim you husband and wife.May the Anemo Archon be with you forever and the wind lead you towards the brightest and warmest horizons.You can kiss the bride" she says and Diluc turns to me.I turn to him as well and he slowly places his hands on my veil,lifting it above my head.He looks down at me lovingly,gently grabbing my face.I smile at him and he brings his lips towards mines.

Our lips connect in a slow kiss that's filled with so many emotions.We've kissed many times before but this one is so different.Diluc put all of his love into this kiss.Everyone suddenly starts clapping and cheering for us as we share our kiss.Me and Diluc slowly part away,resting our foreheads against each other for a moment."I love you" I say and he smiles."I love you more.So much more" he says.

I smile and I look in the cathedral,seeing everyone.Millie and Moco are crying while Adeline is comforting them,Venti is playing his Lyre,Aether and Paimon are clapping their hands along with Kaeya and all the other Mondstadt citizens are laughing and smiling.There's suddenly a small figure running towards us.I frown as I notice a small girl.

"Klee is late! Klee missed the event! Klee is so sorry.." the little girl says,running all the way to the altar in front of us.She is on the verge of crying.I instantly kneel to her level."Don't be sorry Klee.You will be there when everyone will have fun" I say and her face lightens."Really?! It isn't over?" She asks and I shake my head no.She smiles widely.Klee runs at Kaeya and I turn to my husband.

"Let's go at the Winery my dearest we have to be the first there" Diluc says and I nod.We walk out of the cathedral with our guests behind us."Adeline,you know what to say.We are going at the Winery to make sure everything is ready" Diluc says and Adeline nods."Yes master Diluc" she says and Diluc offers me his arm.I intertwine our arms as we walk towards the carriage.

I did it..I officially married Diluc.

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