A New Threat Dawns

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As Spider-Man arrived at the Oscorp building he ran up the side of the huge building, his legs carrying him as fast as he could until he reached the hole in the wall from the explosion, swinging through the hole and seeing the labs torn apart by the explosion.

"What the hell happened here?" Spidey asked himself as he looked around, seeing a dead man in a suit. Spider-Man knelt down and looked at the mans ID badge, he was a member of the Oscorp board. The burn marks around the place indicated something odd, Spidey took a sample gathering kit from a nearby lab and used it to gather a sample of the explosive residue before returning to looking around.

"Hello, anyone in here?" Spider-Man called out he looked at the dead scientists at his feet, he was searching for Peter among the scientists, praying that he didn't find them. As he moved towards the elevator he saw it was blocked by rubble, on the other side were firefighters and paramedics.

"Crap, things blocked!" A Paramedic called out as they noticed a shift in the rubble before it all cleared out of the way and the elevator doors opened. "Thanks Spidey."

"Don't mention it sir. Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to know where the security room is would you?" 

"No sorry, but you should try one of the interns that had stepped out for a coffee, they all went on their break just before the attack." A paramedic said as Spider-Man nodded.

"Thanks for the advice." Spider-Man said before moving more rubble out of the way fire escape stairs, sending his web to the ceiling before allowing himself to drop down the middle of the stairs, the web acting as a rope would in abseiling. When he reached the bottom floor, Spider-Man walked into the main lobby of the building and looked around. Peter wasn't among the interns. He turned to the receptionist. "Hey, can you tell me where the security office is?"

"Third floor." She said as Spider-Man nodded heading up to the third floor and heading to the security room to find it was empty. He walked over to the CCTV monitors and checked them all, rewinding them back to the time of the attack, he looked closely at the footage and noticed something...someone flying on the other side of the hole when the explosion happened. It was a floating figure dressed in green and really dark purple. They were barely visible thanks to the poor quality of the video and the short amount of time the attacker is visible for before the camera cutting off. Y/N pulled out a small USB stick and used it to download the footage before leaving with the footage.

Norman Osborn arrived back at his penthouse apartment, stashing his suit away in a secret panel behind the wall.

'What are you doing you disgusting coward! There's more work to be done!' A voice in Norman's head said as he turned to look at the portrait of himself on the wall, it's blank expression looking back at him.

"No. I can't. I killed him-"

"He sought to destroy us!"

"It was still wrong!"

"Then why did it feel so right? Face it...you enjoyed it-"

"NO!" Norman yelled in terror as the door opened to reveal Harry, Peter and Gwen.

"Dad, everything okay?" Harry asked as he rushed to help his father to his feet with Peter helping out.

"I'm fine...just...just a trip, my shoelace was undone. I'm fine my boy." Norman said as Harry looked at his father before nodding.

"Alright, just be careful then. You scared us half to death." Harry said as Norman smiled at his son.

"Watching scary movies again? The good old days. It's good seeing you all together like this again." Norman said with a smile at his son as Peter and Gwen smiled fondly at the memories of them and their friends all staying over with Harry on Saturday nights for film marathons, with Halloween commonly resulting in horror movie marathons, the amount of times a Star Wars Movie Marathon resulted in either Norman or his Wife breaking up a lightsaber battle between the group when they were younger. "Simpler times... I'm sorry, you three get back to your movies. I'm just being an old man now."

"You sure you're gonna be okay dad?" Harry asked as his father nodded.

"I'll be fine, you three enjoy yourselves. I'll be in my study." Norman said as they all nodded, with the three going back into the other room to continue the movie marathon.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Y/N arrived back at the compound and immediately set to work on the explosive residue sample he collected, testing it under the microscope and trying to find what caused the effects he had seen, because that was no ordinary grenade. He was also working on his laptop trying to enhance the footage to give a clearer image in the hopes of identifying the attacker, he had tried ringing Peters phone three times and texted him twice as many times checking up on him, he even texted Gwen and tried ringing her but he was getting no response.

Wanda and Natasha walked in to see him working hard, both knowing he wasn't going to be sleeping with them tonight, he was going to be running on coffee and small bites to eat to keep him awake through the night...

A Witch and Two Spiders² (Spider-Man reader x Wanda x Natasha)Where stories live. Discover now