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"So...what's been going on Y/N?" May asked with her hands on her hips and an arched eyebrow. "You've changed a lot over the past year, I just want to know...what's happened?"

'I'm having a mental crisis. A large Mental crisis. In fact. If you've got a moment. It's a twelve-story crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour portage, and an enormous sign on the roof, saying "this is a large crisis". May wants to know what's been going on over the past year. How do I tell her that I'm dating two of my teachers at the same time, I locked away three former teachers, one of who was a priest, I work with the Avengers, oh and I'm Spider-Man?' Y/N thought to himself as he tried to think of something.

 How do I tell her that I'm dating two of my teachers at the same time, I locked away three former teachers, one of who was a priest, I work with the Avengers, oh and I'm Spider-Man?' Y/N thought to himself as he tried to think of something

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"Umm, stuff...and things." Y/N answered as May looked at him blankly for a moment before pinching the bridge of her nose. "Look it's, it's complicated."

"So complicated you can't even try to explain?! Y/N I'm just want to know what's been going on over the past year, you always seem to be busy, we hardly get to talk, and now this thing with you and Pete. What's going on?"

"Okay, fine I'll tell you."

2 Weeks Earlier:

Y/N was swinging through the city as he chased a speeding car, jumping from police car to police car and swinging from buildings to try and catch up with the speeding crooks.

As he web zipped to the car Y/N began to grab the passengers, webbing them up and hanging them from a lamp post before beginning to chase the car again. Y/N took out the other two passengers and was about to take out the driver and stop the car when his phone began to go off.

"Hello?" Y/N said over the sound of the sirens as he dodged bullets from the driver.

"Y/N where are you? The mid-term exam results are being given out in a few minute- Are those sirens?!" Nats voice asked over the phone.

"Umm, no? Well yes, I'm at Aunt Mays watching a cop movie." 

"Uh huh...that the BS you're gonna pull out this time? You sound like you're straining at something while watching that movie, and I know me and Wanda have been punishing you through denial recently but I don't think that you're masturbating while in May's apartment, at least I hope not."

"What?! Ew no!"

"So you're out as Spider-Man." Natasha deduced as Y/N sighed.

"Just give me some time-"

"You've got five minutes."

"Give me ten-"


"Seven minutes, I'll keep the suit on under my normal clothes." Y/N said as Nat chuckled as she spoke.

"Five." Nat said as she hung up.

"Pal I'm in a hurry, can you just pull over and do me a solid?! No? Okay." Y/N pulled the driver out of the car before using an "Alternate braking method".

" Y/N pulled the driver out of the car before using an "Alternate braking method"

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"Whew, that was heavy. Cops are gonna have a field day with that car." Y/N said as he leapt into the air and began to swing towards school where Wanda and Natasha were waiting to give him his grades in his most recent mid term exams, praying he wasn't late, Nat and Wanda were very prickly when he was late to school...

A Witch and Two Spiders² (Spider-Man reader x Wanda x Natasha)Where stories live. Discover now