Brotherly Concern

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Y/N was in the lab, going through the sample he had collected, looking at it to try and find out what chemicals it was made from there were traces of copper sulphate, which explained the green fire. He was so caught up in everything that he didn't notice Wanda walk in wearing a tank top and some sleeping short-shorts.

"Hey." Wanda said as Y/N turned and looked at her.

"Oh, hey. Sorry I didn't hear you come in." Y/N said as Wanda nodded. "Can't sleep?"

"No, you're thoughts are too loud." Wanda said as Y/N sighed to himself.


"It's okay. You're worried about your brother, it's normal." Wanda said as she looked at her boyfriend.

"How're you and Nat holding up?"

"We're fine." Wanda said as Y/N nodded before kissing the back of her hand, looking at the chart showing Y/N's work. "What about you? How're you holding up?"

"I'm...I don't know. It's just...this asshole attacked the place where my brother works, threw bombs in there, if he'd have been there today...he could have died." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him and hooked her finder under his cheek as she turned his head to look at her.

"Hey. What matters is as far as we know, he wasn't there. Has he answered your texts or calls yet?"

"No. I'm gonna go check Gwen's place when I'm finished here." Y/N said as Wanda nodded.

"Okay. Just...try and keep calm." Wanda said as Y/N nodded. "Thank you for tonight. The date and everything."

"It was my pleasure, even if my day and night job did ruin it." Y/N said as he saw Wanda smile.

"They never ruined it Y/N. Don't worry." Wanda said as she leaned in a kissed him on the forehead before walking towards the door. "Goodnight детка паук (Baby Spider)."

"Night Wands." Y/N said as he smiled at the pet name before going back to work.

When he was finished, Y/N checked his phone and saw no reply from either Peter or Gwen.

He left the compound and was walking to the Stacy residence when he received a call from Kate.

"Hey Kate, you alright?"

"Yeah, I saw you on the way out of the compound and in the labs on my way to get a drink, everything okay? You seem worried."

"Someone attacked Oscorp and Peter hasn't picked up his phone, I tried phoning Gwen and still no answer, I'm just on my way over to Gwens place to see if they're in. Can't believe I'm saying this but I'm hoping that they just aren't answering their phones cause they're...*Ahem* Preoccupied... Ugh that is disgusting." Y/N said, shuddering with disgust as Kate laughed over the phone.

"Now you know how the rest of us feel when we can hear You, Nat, and Wanda fucking each other's brains out."

"Yes but it's not your actual sibling in that case." Y/N said as Kate smirked.

"No, it's my Ex-Boyfriend who just happens to also be my best friend." Kate said as Y/N arrived at the Stacy home.

"Yeah, well, I'm just arriving at Gwen's place now, I'll call you when I know where Peter is." Y/N said as they both ended the call. He walked up to the door and knocked when Captain Stacy answered the door, putting his duty belt on.

"Oh, hey kid. You all right? What you doin' here?"

"Sorry to intrude Captain Stacy sir,  but do you know where Peter and Gwen are? It's just I've been trying to contact them, make sure Peter's okay after the Oscorp incident, I've got nothing from either of them. I've tried texting Peter, I've tried calling him, I've tried texting Gwen, I've tried calling her, and I've got nothing. I mean you know Peter, I'm worried he was back in the labs catching up on some project or something when that explosion went off." Y/N said, beginning to ramble when George stopped him.

"You're not intruding kid, I get it. Gwen and Peter are over at Osborn's place with Harry, having a movie night." Stacy said as Y/N let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "C'mon kid, I'll drop you off on the way to the station. You can check in on them both."

"Thanks Captain." Y/N said as Stacy led him to the squad car and they both got in, with Stacy driving Y/N to the tower where the Osborns lived, on the way Y/N caught a dispatch call out mentioning a group of muggers being stopped by a vigilante dressed like a White Tiger...

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