Birthday Preparations...

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Y/N was swinging towards the compound when his coms piece started ringing.

"Hello?" Y/N said as he narrowly avoided oncoming traffic.

"Hello детка паук (Baby Spider)." Natasha's voice said over the coms. "Don't forget to pick up Wanda's birthday cake from the shop."

"Noted. Is everything set up?"

"Yeah, just focus on that cake." Nat said as she hung up. 

Y/N swung to the shop where they had ordered the cake from, he picked up the cake and used his webs to make a carrier for the box to make it into a backpack before setting off back towards the compound, he arrived 20 minutes later. Natasha rushed to her room and opened the window, allowing her boyfriend to hand her the cake, she closed the window and told him to use the roof entrance.

Y/N climbed the building and walked into the compound, already beginning to get changed out if his suit. He walked into the common room fastening the last button up on his shirt as he checked his watch, hoping that May and Pete would be on time, Kate was already here training with Clint.

He was walking down the hallways of the compound when he heard someone call his name out.

"Parker!" Y/N turned and saw him, Nick Fury, Director of Shield.

"Sir?" Y/N said timidly as Fury approached him.

"Congratulations on your exam results kid." Fury said with a smirk before looking at him.

"That mean you're gonna wear the Skull and Crossbones eyepatch to the party?" Y/N asked as Fury glared at him.

"Fuck no motherfucker." Fury said bluntly as he walked away.

"You'll wear it one day." Y/N called out as Fury said nothing.

When he arrived back in his room, Y/N opened the door and hung up his Spider-Man suit he looked at the Harry Potter book box-set from Aunt May, Chamber of Secrets was removed, and it was currently on the nightstand next to Y/N's bed.

"I hope no one asks to see this room." Y/N said to himself as he went into the bathroom, looking into the mirror and seeing he the start of a stubble beard, Y/N took his shirt off and hung it up on the back of the door before pulling his shaving kit from the mirror/cupboard. As he lathered the shaving cream onto his face he heard the door to his room open and Nat's voice.


"In here." Y/N said as he used his foot to stick to the door and pull it open.

"Oh, hey. Smartening yourself up for tonight?" Nat asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yeah." Y/N said as he began shaving his facial hair.

"So, I was wondering if you're still up for the...after party I planned for you, me, and Wanda?" Nat said as Y/N caught on.

"Yeah, I wouldn't back out at the 11th hour." Y/N said as he ran the razor over his chin.

"Good, look, if you need to use the safe-word at all during the after party, I want you to, okay. We would never force you into doing something." Natasha said as Y/N smiled.

"I know." Y/N said as Nat took the razor and shaved away at some of the foam Y/N had missed.

"Missed a bit." She said as Y/N smiled. Nat handed the razor back to Y/N who continued shaving whilst Nat took a moment to look at his body before leaving, smiling to herself.

When he was finished getting his shave, Y/N splashed his face with some water, dried it, and then put on his shirt followed by some top shelf aftershave. He looked into the mirror at his reflection before composing himself.

"Okay Y/N, try not to give the game away tonight, don't want May knowing that I'm dating Nat and Wanda. Dunno what she'd be pissed off at first, the age gap, the relationship, or the fact I didn't tell her...who'm I kidding, she'll be pissed off about all three at the same time." Y/N said to himself as he took a breath, heading out of his room in a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a pair of jeans, and a pair of trainers. Smart, casual, and easy to remove when the "After Party" started with Wanda and Nat...

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