The Talk

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"YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING MY SISTER!" Yelena yelled as Y/N dodged a thrown bottle of hot sauce.

"We're dating, and I hardly see why it's punishable by death!"

"Oh, you're dating her huh. Let me tell you, no little prick is gonna be good enough for my sister!" Yelena yelled as she chased Y/N around, both Wanda and Nat looked at one another.

"He's actually quite large." Natasha muttered to Wanda who smirked.

"I'll kill you!" Yelena yelled as she pointed her widows bite at Y/N who dodged.

"Hey, look it's all above board-"

"Oh I bet it was above board, above the headboards. I'll rip your dick off Spider!" Yelena yelled as Y/N jumped onto the ceiling.

"Please don't, Nat loves it where it is on my body." Y/N said as Nat face palmed.

"He's really not helping himself." Natasha said to herself.

"Nat, feel free to save me from Mini Nat any time." Y/N called out as he ran on the ceiling.

"Oh no, this is way too much fun." Natasha joked.

Yelena grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

"Oh no, you've found my weakness, it's small knives." Y/N said as Yelena went to throw it when Natasha grabbed her wrist.

"Net, Yelena, pozhaluysta, ne ubivay moyego parnya. (No, Yelena, please don't kill my boyfriend.)"

"Uh oh, they're speaking Russian." Y/N said to himself as he crawled away on the ceiling before dropping to the floor and running to hid in his, Nat, and Wanda's shared room.

"Yelena, please, I love him, and Wanda, being with them both has made me so happy. They're the part of my soul that I thought I'd lost under Dreykov." Natasha said as Yelena looked at her sister and saw that she really was happy with Y/N.

"Does he love you back?" Yelena asked.

"With everything he has." Natasha said with a smile. "He'd die for me and Wanda."

"Fine, I'm warning you spide- Where the fuck did he go?!" Yelena asked as Nat and Wanda chuckled. "Cyka!"

Yelena walked down the corridor and found and empty room going inside before Nat and Wanda joined Y/N in their room for the night.

"Well that went well." Natasha said as she climbed into bed on Y/N's left while Wanda was on his right.

"I'm not dead, so you're right. Tonight might be considered a success." Y/N said as Natasha nodded.

"Trust me, most people Yelena wants dead, are dead." Natasha said with a chuckle as Y/N gulped.

"Great, like two scary ladies who spoke Russian wasn't enough, it's three now." Y/N said as Nat smiled.

"What are you talking about, you love our accents." Wanda said as Y/N looked at her.

"Not when they're discussing my imminent death."

"Aww, don't worry baby spider, we'll protect you from the scawy lady." Nat said in a baby voice as she and Wanda enveloped Y/N in a hug from both sides.

A Witch and Two Spiders² (Spider-Man reader x Wanda x Natasha)Where stories live. Discover now