The Girls are Back In Town

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When Y/N arrived at the compound he found Natasha in her quarters, looking at a small music box playing a chime, it had a tiny spinning ballerina statue inside. He knocked on the door, causing Natasha to close the box and hide it before turning and looking at Y/N.

"Oh, hey Y/N, everything okay?" Natasha asked as Y/N looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah. What about you? Everything okay with you? It's not often someone catches you unaware, much less often that you look at the box." Y/N said as Nat turned and smiled at him.

"Everything's fine." Nat said unconvincingly.

"Nat, you know whatever is going on, I can help. I know it has something to do with that news report this morning." Y/N said as Natasha looked at him.

"Y/N, babe, it's nothing. Just, I was remembering something I'd rather have forgotten. You don't have to worry about it." Natasha said as Y/N looked at her, he took a moment to think about her answer, if Natasha didn't want to tell him, he wasn't going to force her to tell him. It was a personal matter for her, she would tell him when she was ready, he trusted her enough to allow her her privacy.

"Okay...just...don't hesitate to tell us if you need help with anything. You know we have your back, no matter what it is." Y/N said as he hugged her.

"I know." Natasha said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Get some rest Baby Spider. You've earned it."

Y/N nodded and left, heading to their room where Wanda was waiting, watching the TV.

"Hey. How was patrol?"

"Oh, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that, a new vigilante is in town." Y/N said as he took his mask and suit off before changing into some pyjamas. "I'm gonna look into her when I can. Something about her felt...familiar. Her voice, sounded like I'd heard it before."

Y/N sat on the bed next to Wanda, snuggling up to her and holding her as they watched the TV together until they both fell asleep.

Y/N awoke the next day to the sound of shouting through the corridors. He looked around and saw Wanda wasn't next to him.

"Huh?" Y/N said to himself as he went to the common area and found everyone arguing.

"-Nat you can't just keep doing this, at least Parker wasn't a wanted murderer." Bruce said as Y/N looked around he pushed through the crowd and saw a girl around six years younger than Natasha, she had blonde hair that flowed past her shoulders.

" Bruce said as Y/N looked around he pushed through the crowd and saw a girl around six years younger than Natasha, she had blonde hair that flowed past her shoulders

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"Um, I think I missed something, who's this?"

"Y/N this is Yelena...she's...she's my sister." Natasha said as Y/N looked at her.

"And she killed Dorian. Red Room trained I'm guessing?" Y/N said as Natasha nodded.

"I thought she was dead but I recognised her work."

"What is there to discuss, she's Nat's family." Y/N said as he looked at the other Avengers.

"Kid she killed a guy for no discernable reason-" Tony began.

"Which of you can say that you've never killed anyone. Tony, you killed terrorists when escaping the cave, Rogers, you killed people in the War, Clint, well you're an assassin, Thor was banished from Asgard for seeking out war, Banner has killed soldiers that were hunting him. Who here hasn't got blood on their hands, who here is truly pure?" Y/N said as he looked at them all.

"Kid, she murdered someone. I get it, I do, but-"

"But what? Natasha did she come to us, or did you bring her in?"

"She came to us." Natasha said as Y/N looked at them.

"She came to us looking for help. That makes it our duty to help her. We're supposed to be heroes dammit. Heroes help people, even if they don't like them, that's what heroes do." Y/N said as he looked at them all. "Someone has come to us for help, and I don't know about you people, but I'm not going to turn my back on them."

The other Avengers were shocked by his words, Steve nodded to him with a smirk.

"I'm with Y/N." Steve said as he stepped next to Y/N. "We can solve the murder later, for now, Yelena needs help, we do our jobs and help her."

Tony looked at Clint and already knew he'd take Natasha's side.

"Alright. But we need to be careful. If this goes wrong, we all end up in prison on counts of aiding and abetting." Tony said as they all nodded. "I think it's best we give Yelena and you three some space and get caught up."

The Avengers left, with just Y/N, Wanda, Natasha and Yelena remaining in the common area with one very tense talk ahead of them...

A Witch and Two Spiders² (Spider-Man reader x Wanda x Natasha)Where stories live. Discover now