Checking In

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As Stacy arrived at the building where the Osborn's lived he turned to Y/N.

"Hey, you gonna be okay getting back home tonight, I don't like the idea of anyone walking these streets alone tonight." Stacy said as Y/N smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll call my girlfriend and ask her to pick me up." Y/N said as Stacy smirked.

"You got a girlfriend? My man!" Stacy said as he fist bumped with Y/N making the boy chuckle. "She met your aunt yet?"

"Kinda. It's long and complicated." 

"That what you told this girl of yours?" Stacy said as Y/N just chuckled and shook his head.

"Please, I've had all this off Stark when he found out." Y/N said as Stacy nodded.

"Yeah. Trust me kid, May and Peter are gonna be worse." Stacy said as Y/N got out of the car. "Hey, you take care now kid." 

"Will do sir. Thanks Mr Stacy." Y/N said as he headed into the building, walking to the private elevator and looking around.

"Crap." Y/N said as he looked around for someone who could call up to the penthouse. "Of course there's no one here."

He headed over to a fire escape and went outside for a second, using his phone to hack into the system and shut down the security, he counted himself lucky that he knew how to get past Pete's firewalls.

He walked in and pried the elevator doors open and stepped in as they closed, pressing the button for the Osborn Penthouse. As the doors opened Y/N saw Harry, Peter, and Gwen all sat on the sofa, with Gwen in Peter's arms.

"Y/N? Hey, how are you doing?" Harry asked as Y/N smiled at him.

"Hey, Harry, I'm good thanks."

"You sure? You've look worn out." Harry said as Y/N let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, I just got into a heated disagreement with an elevator." Y/N said as Harry smirked.

"Ah, how'd you get past it?"

"I asked nicely." Y/N said calmly as Harry chuckled at his friend. "Gwen, Harry, can I talk to Peter for a moment?"

"Sure." They both said as they both stepped into another room.

"Y/N, everything okay?" Peter asked as Y/N just embraced him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Y/N?"

"I've been worried sick about you!" Y/N exclaimed as Peter looked confused. "I've been calling and texting you and Gwen asking if you're alright."

"Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?" Peter asked as Y/N reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone showing Peter the news of the attack at Oscorp.

"I was worried you were injured, or worse." Y/N said as Peter looked at his brother and saw genuine worry and relief in his eyes.

"My phone was switched off, Gwen's too, so we weren't interrupted in the movie." Peter said as Y/N nodded. "Hey, I'm alright. How come you've got Gwen's number?"

"She gave it to me in case I needed to reach you while you were with her and for whatever reason you weren't able to respond. She gave it to me, May, and MJ." Y/N said as Peter nodded. "MJ calls it the P.P.P.S. Peter Parker Protection Squad."


"Yup. Apparently you're more risk prone than me. That's a compliment." Y/N said as he and peter just both started laughing.

"I hate you."

"Oh, I know you do." Y/N said as he saw Norman walk in with Harry and Gwen.

"Y/N. Sorry I wasn't here to greet you my boy."

"It's no trouble sir. I was just checking up on Peter. I heard about the attack at Oscorp and was worried about him." Y/N said as Norman looked at him.

"Of course."

"I'm terribly sorry to hear about that attack sir. It sounds awful." Y/N said as he looked at Norman.

"Me too. But at least Peter is fine, thank heaven for some mercies." Norman said as Y/N nodded.

"Agreed." Y/N said as Norman patted him on the shoulder.

"Please feel free to stay here for the movie night." Norman said as Y/N smiled.

"I'd love to but I've got a girlfriend who's probably worried sick about where I am and I had to run off in the middle of a date with her to check on Peter here, so I don't want to risk more of an ass-kicking than I'm already due." Y/N said as Norman laughed heartily.

"Of course, as you should do." Norman said as he looked at Y/N while patting him on the shoulder.

"Sorry to intrude. Please, Peter, Gwen, one of you turn your phone on, I was worried sick." Y/N said as Peter nodded. Y/N stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground level. When he reached the ground floor he stepped out onto the street and began walking back to The compound, texting Wanda and Nat that he was on his way home...

A Witch and Two Spiders² (Spider-Man reader x Wanda x Natasha)Where stories live. Discover now