Meet The Osborns...

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It was a Wednesday, and Y/N was at the lab of the scientist Stark had asked him to help out, a genius that Y/N had heard of already, Doctor Otto Octavius.

It was a Wednesday, and Y/N was at the lab of the scientist Stark had asked him to help out, a genius that Y/N had heard of already, Doctor Otto Octavius

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As Y/N walked into the lab, Octavius looked up at him from the table.

"Ah, Parker. Come in. Good day at School?" Otto asked as Y/N smiled.

"Yeah. Thanks." Y/N said as he hung his coat up and put on a lab coat. "What have we got today doc?"

"I've thought up a potential new material for prosthetics and a new way of operating them. A neural interface. With this it could revolutionise prosthetic limb manufacturing and potentially improve thousands of lives." Octavius said as Y/N looked impressed.

"Well doc, shall we get to it?" Y/N said as Octavius smiled.

"Enthusiasm is a great thing to have Parker, but you also need a plan, and I have one right here." Otto said as he passed Y/N some schematics. "Now, let's work according to those schematics."

"Yes sir. Sorry."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. I like enthusiasm, it means you're passionate, but sometimes, you have to be patient. Some times, passion comes in the form of patience." Octavius said as Y/N smiled. "Come on."

The two were working together for hours.

"I forgot to say, congratulations on your school achievements, top of the class huh?"

"Yeah, And an award for endeavour in English." Y/N said as Otto smiled.

"What do you want to be when you grow up Parker?" Octavius asked as he worked on some wiring.

"In this city? I'll be happy to just be alive. Alien invasion...asshole school teachers." Y/N said, as Octavius looked at him.

"That priest, the one that was arrested last year...he...he got to you, didn't he?" Otto said as Y/N looked shocked. "Don't be so surprised, it's not that difficult if you know the signs. You've had flashbacks before haven't you? If you ever need to take a moment to catch your breath or anything like that, do it, Parker. Don't ask me, just do it. I've seen too many people who've been through what you have shut themselves off to everything and work themselves too hard. I'd hate to lose another intern the last one I had was sent back in time."

Y/N smirked at the last part, knowing it was only a joke.

"Why, you give him the keys to a DeLorean?" Y/N quipped as Otto chuckled.

"How long ago did know?"

"Five years, just before my Uncle Ben was killed." Y/N said as Otto nodded. Their chat was interrupted as a man walked in who Y/N recognised immediately.

Norman Osborn.

"Otto, good to see you -- Mr Parker, my you've grown

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"Otto, good to see you -- Mr Parker, my you've grown." Norman Osborn said as he walked in.

"Mr Osborn-"

"Please, Norman. Harry, come in." Norman called out as in walked a young man, a bit older than Y/N. It was Normans son Harry.

"Hey Y/N, it's been a while

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"Hey Y/N, it's been a while." Harry said as he approached Y/N and embraced the shocked boy.

"Harry? I thought you were in Europe?"

"Yeah, just finished university there. I saw Pete the other day in the labs, how have you been, he told me that you've had it rough." Harry said as Y/N smiled.

"Yeah well...haven't we all. You were in Europe, surely you got some rough in Amsterdam." Y/N chuckled as Harry and Norman chuckled while Otto felt small around Norman.

"You always were the smartass." Harry said as Y/N smiled.

"And what did she say to you?" Y/N quipped as Norman smiled.

"Still not lost your wit. Sharp as ever I see. Look, we've come because we wanted to make you and offer, both of you, Oscorp would be willing to fund your little project, here, if you both came and worked for us." Norman said as Y/N sighed.

"Never one for a social call, right Norman." Y/N said as Osborn Sr shook his head. "Look, sir, I'm sorry, but Mr Stark has done a lot for me, and it wouldn't sit right if I was to just leave him for his rival."

"Come now Parker, I'd be more than willing to pay you twice what you earn at SI, I wouldn't make that offer but this is you we're talking about." Norman said as he put his hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"Sir, with respect, I can't be bought. Mr Stark has helped me through a lot, and done so much for me. Sorry, but for me no deal." Y/N said as Norman nodded.

"I understand. You're loyal. Stark is lucky to have you working for him Parker. What about you Otto, want to relive the good old days?"

"No, thank you Norman." Otto said as Norman nodded.

"Fair enough. I'll get out of your way. Oh and Parker, Pete told me to say hi." Norman said as he left with Harry following him.

After a day at the labs, Y/N headed home to the compound, he checked his bank account and saw that his standing order was still working, with half of his monthly wages going into May's account to help her with the upkeep on her apartment. As he walked into his, Wanda's and Nat's shared room, he saw the two girls sat on the bed together watching one of Wanda's old sitcoms with Wanda enjoying some lasagne and Natasha was enjoying some Mac and Cheese.

"Evening Wanda, Evening Nat." Y/N said as the two girls turned to him.

"Hey babe. Hungry? I got some of your Mac and Cheese, it's in the container with the foil on it." Nat said as Y/N looked surprised.

"Thanks. You didn't have to though you know?"

"We wanted to treat you." Nat said.

"If you wanted to do that then all that needed to happen was for me to see you both." Y/N said as Nat and Wanda burst out laughing. "All right, it's not my best line."

"It might be your worst." Wanda said as Y/N put on a fake offended face before pointing at Nat.

"Not as bad as the pillow talk after my 18th birthday that Nat gave me. 'Did you know female Black Widows eat their lovers after sex?'" Y/N argued as Nat smirked before winking at him and licking her lips like she was hungry. The three began to argue over dinner on the bed with Y/N eating the Mac and Cheese from the carton, they spent the rest of the night "Debating" who had the worst Pillow talk or chat up lines...

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