The Beginning

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Hi guys this is my first book hope you enjoy


"Mom!" I called from the comfy brown couch.

"Yes Amy" My mom yelled from the other room.

I got up and walked into the kitchen with tiled floors sleak wooden cabinets and found my mom standing over the double sink. she was doing her favorite making dinner.

"I'm going to make a video okay?" she nodded her head in okay. I walked to my room and sat on the pink bed.

I pulled out my camera, the video I was making was not for YouTube. I started the video.

"Hey guys! I am very very happy that I got to message you last week thanks for the convo! okay so we should hang out you know catch up! I know your busy and all but I need to ask you guys a question!"

I clicked the off button on my camera and started to edit it. the editing didn't take long and I sent it to my favorite life long buddies! They where known as a famous you tubers called Smosh. I knew they most likely wouldn't have an answer for a couple of days.

I waited and a video chat was requested. Iquickly accepted with my grey mouse and smiled as it started. It was the one and only Ian and Anthony. We talked for hours as usual catching up when I had to ask a serious question before they signed off.

"Ok guys hmmm.... my mom and dad are going on vacation and I need a place to stay. Want to help!?" I asked anxiously.

Anthony and Ian looked at each other then shouted. "Heck yeah!" Anthony fixed his hair after he did a little. While I messed with him by saying

"Quit being so emo Anthony." Anthony smiled and laughed a little.

He continued fixing his black hair that had an emo flap. while Ian just had a brown bowl haircut that he didn't have to worry about much. I laughed and said I needed to sign out I would call them later about arrangements. I went running and skipping through the hallways to my mom.

"Mom you won't believe it they said yes!" I screamed like a little girl I didn't no why I was so excited.

"That's good make sure you call them later we leave in three days."

I continued to skip through the wooden hallway while my blonde ponytail swished around behind me. I was so excited to see my best friends again I didn't no what to do. The next day I called Ian.

"Hey bro!" I laughed.

"Hey!" I heard Anthony scream in the background.

We talked for a couple minutes about arrangements I could tell they where excited to. after I got off the phone I ran into my room. I started to look at a old photo album of Ian Anthony and I. I laughed as I saw the pictures we took in homech class. The times where we where such good friends we would fake like we were going to kiss. That always made me laugh. I flipped to a page titled Anthony's many faces. Ian and Anthony put the whole thing together for me when they found out I was moving away. They always made me laugh. I flipped to the back page and found the old Cd stuck to it it had all of our old favorite songs on it. I used to listen to it a lot but stopped for I don't no why. The next day I drove to the airport and boarded my plane for a short flight.

"Drinks?" The flight attendant asked me.

"Uhh no thanks." I Said and waved her away.

I fell asleep quickly and had a dream of when I arrived. Ian and Anthony yelled for me. I found them Wrestling in parking lot. They both ran to me and Anthony picked me up and spun me around it a hug. Anthony I think always had a thing for me. Ian stood and waited for me to give him a hug. Right before I gave him a hug the dream ended.


Thanks for reading guys! getting interesting if you ask me!

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