Its a whole new beginning.

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"What is going on?" Ian asked he got up.

"We just need to talk. Hannah can you go up stairs and make yourself comfortable in any room well you no except ours." I smiled at her as she walked up the stairs I gave a sad look to Ian.

"What is it Ames?" He always called me Ames in middle school then he would give me amazing stare with his wonderful blue eyes and I felt happy, but it didn't work this time I was still upset. I think it helped more in middle school because he was my very first crush then and I think him being nice to me and acting like he liked me back just made me feel.....well great.

"Well Ian promise you won't get mad?" I looked into his eyes which were full of curiosity I knew he was suspicious of what I would say.

"Promise?" He said it in a question sound but I know he meant least I hoped.

"Okay well I went to Antony's house to talk to him and...well are you sure you won't get mad?" I looked into his eyes and grabbed my hands

"I promise." He looked straight into my eyes when he said it.

"Well I was there on the couch and he you know kissed me. I didn't want him to I didn't like it ever I promise!" I started to blurt words out, maybe it would calm Ian a little but his face got red and he let to of my hands turning around and putting his face into his hands.

"Are you mad?" I knew this was a stupid question from the beginning.

"Of course I am!! I'm sorry Amy I know I promised but I don't care about him anymore!! First he cheats and now he's trying to make you cheat!! WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT KIND OF BEST FRIEND IS THAT?!" Ian yelled and yelled his face beet red and you could see the rage even in his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him but he slapped it away. I frowned.

"Ian please." As he turned towards the door I grabbed his shoulder again this time with a grip. Of course he stronger than me so he pushed it away again.

"Ian PLEASE!" I begged and he turned around seeing me crying.

"I'm sorry Amy but that is the last straw." With that he walked out of the door towards the direction of Anthony's house. I immediately from instinct followed him while Hannah ran downstairs and followed me.


I chose a room and laid on the bed thinking it was quite but then Ian started to yell and I heard Amy yell "Ian PLEASE!" I instantly jumped off of the bed and ran downstairs. I saw any chasing Ian down the street towards Anthony's house. I followed as I reached there at first I heard yelling from all of them then I heard Amy scream and Anthony begging Ian to stop. I ran into the house gasping at the sight.


Reaching Anthony's house I yelled at Ian "please don't do this!" He turned around and gave a glare as if he had to. Anthony's started to scream as Ian lunged at him. I yelled and screamed crying and tugging at Ian trying to get him off.

"IAN NOO!!" I heard Hannah yell running towards Ian.

She tugged with me as soon as I started to see blood come from Anthony's nose I yelled and tugged Ian harder. He got up turned around and looked at me and Hannah in tears then at Anthony's bloody face who was screaming in pain.

"Why?" I heard Anthony manage the words out I between tears.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Ian said looking down at Anthony and then towards us.

"So sorry." After those words tears filled his face and he ran out the door. I looked down at Anthony who was still In tears of pain. And then to Hannah in between tears I spoke.

"Take care of him." I left out the door in search for Ian but he was no where to be Sean not anywhere. I went back to the house seeing him lying on the couch crying into his hands.

"I'm sorry Amy I don't no what came over me." He looked up at me

"It's okay Anthony will be fine he will be fine." I rubbed Ian's back until he felt a little better.

"Should I apologize?" He asked me.

"Yeah but maybe over the phone this time." I smiled at him trying to funny. He didn't take it very well.

"No I need to do this in person." He got up from the couch and started to walk towards Anthony's house I followed him of course.

I just hope nothing bad will happen again...hopefully but I needed to keep my head up high so that's what I did. Walking into the room I saw Anthony sitting in the couch sleeping and Hannah cuddling with him I smile crept along my face seeing them made up.

"Dude wake up!" Ian said yelling but quietly as he shook Anthony. Anthony began to wake and immediately screamed.

"NO! No don't hurt me I'm sorry for whatever I did I'm sorry!" I walked up to Ian as he began to speak.

"No dude I'm sorry really really sorry." Anthony looked up from his hands. And I saw his black eye and nose still bleeding.

"Oh god dude I' so sorry." Ian walked out the door I helped Hannah fix up Anthony and take care of him she stayed with that night. I was expecting Ian to be home but to my surprise he wasn't.

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