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The footsteps came closer but I heard Ian pull her away. "We need to finish a shoot for a video sorry you need to leave please." She left thank god!

The rest of the week Anthony was gone hanging out with her. He had a girlfriend I just didn't understand. me and Ian finally went to see the inside of the house and there was a lot of I trusted buyers. There was actually a girl who was staring at Ian the whole time we where in there the girl finally approaches us at the end.

"Hi Ian." The girl said I stared at Ian curiously.

"Hello and who might you be?" He said nicely the girl smiled.

"I am like your guys biggest fans why are you here."

"Oh that's nice and just looking. We have to go now."

"Wait who is this?" She said pointing to me I smiled. "Wait you where in that lunch time with Smosh video I remember now!" She laughed I smiled a crooked smile.

"We'll that's nice that someone noticed me I'm sorry we would love to stay and chat but I have to go have dinner with my mom." I just smiled more.

"Oh, we'll Ian doesn't have to go does he!?" She smiled and jumped a little. He nodded his head yes and she frowned. He took a note book and pen from my purse and signed it and handed it to her. She smiled and hugged the piece of paper then Ian kissed me on the cheek and we walked out. I turned around and saw the girl giving me a sly smile to say ohhhhhh so that's what really is going on. I twinkled my fingers at her and she smiled more while staring at her paper.


Anthony walked in with the girl next door and they went into the computer room. I was thinking why are they spending so much time with each other lately?

"Hey Ian do you think Anthony and that girl are you know dating?!"

"No Anthony has a girlfriend and I don't think he would cheat like that."

The doorbell rang and I hopped up it was my mom me and Ian left with her and she drove us to one of my favorite restaurants.

"Wow mom you remembered." She nodded her head I looked at Ian who was smiling.

I had a short little sun dress on and Ian had a long sleeve shirt on with a tie and just normal jeans. My mom was dressed up as she always is with a black long dress. We walked inside the restaurant and sat down at a booth. Me and Ian sat next to each other and my mom sat on the other side.

"So how is Anthony doing with his girlfriend tonight?" My mom asked excitedly

I looked at Ian Anthony didn't go his date since he was with that girl! I texted Ian that so I wouldn't say it out loud. Ian smiled slightly at my mom and began texting Anthony who never answered his phone.

"We'll is anyone going to answer me?" My mom smiled

"Oh um I don't really know they probably stayed home and watched a movie tonight that's there normal." Ian said nervously. He glanced down at his phone every once and a while but there was never and answer from Anthony.

"Oh well that sounds nice so what's up with you to lately?" My mom said nicely.

"Oh well my side has heeled pretty well and i don't get super bad headaches any more." I smiled

"I have just been working on videos lately like Ian is bored and a couple normal Smosh videos with Anthony." Ian smiled

"That's nice but I was referring to between you too." My mom gave me a sly smile and Ian had a blank face not knowing what to say.

"Yes it's true mom we are dating" I smiled and Ian put his arm around me. My mom smiled

"I knew it I have always liked you Ian I'm happy you too finally got together. Your father would be to Amy."

I smiled and we finished dinner my mom hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and Ian wrapped his arm around me as we walked to the car.



Amy had to leave because her mom wanted some time with her alone. Anthony was talking to me about that girl across the street apparently her name is Emily.

"I think I might ask her out dude." Anthony smiled

"You have a girlfriend!" I yelled

"Yeah I'm most likely going to break up with her." Anthony said still smiling

"Over a fan who probably just likes you because of your YouTube channel. Anthony look dude I am in on it if that's what you want but really it's just not right." I was a little irritated

While Amy was gone and she had first moved in we heard the legend of zelda rap playing and her dancing and singing. Walking over there she was completely obsessed all of our t shirts practically all of our music. It was really really a creepy.

"Dude I no what's right and I'm going to I just need to call my girlfriend." Anthony got up and went to go call her when there was a knock at the door.

"HEY is Anthony home?" She asked smiling with a normal t shirt on which was surprising .

"No." I said mad and tried to slam the door but before I could she spoke up.

"Oh hey can you hang out then?" She asked it so innocently but I couldn't.

"No!" I said really mad and closed the door not slam but hard enough. She looked mad but waked back to her house.

I saw her watching through her window when Amy came back home she was smiling. I opened the door for her smiling

"Good day Amy?" She nodded her head and walked inside I laughed and Anthony came trotting downstairs.

"Well I'm ganna go hang with Emily." And he left I frowned. Getting ready to tell Amy what was going on.


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