6.Cuyanir (To Survive)

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Malaina remained on the ship after Tech patched her up. She much preferred being here than in the presence of Hunter.

She had actually made progress with Echo. He didn't seem to be cold towards her as much anymore. His glares grew rare and he would engage in civilized conversations with her now.

"It's ironic. Clones wanted names instead of numbers, now people are signing up to be given numbers." Echo mutters, turning back to the computer. He shook his head in thought.

Malaina rested her head against the back of the chair, humming in agreement. "The Inquisitors went from names to numbers. It's like what Hunter said, people going by numbers is dehumanizing. Another way for the Empire to show control."

"It's ingenious. You could create a database to identify anyone in the galaxy." Tech chimed, his eyes still glued to his datapad.

Echo swiveled his chair around to face him. "Glad you're impressed, but where are we going to find the data for these chain codes? And the disks?" He questioned.

"Clones control the spaceport now. Mr.Genius can tap into the network and replicate the codes." Malaina chimed, peering up at Tech who was to her left, leaning against the navicomputer.

"Then what?" Echo asks with a raised eyebrow.

Tech glanced up. "Hunter said they're tagging ships inside their impound facility. That is our way in." He determined. Malaina was surprised to see he was on the exact same page as her.

"You're suggesting we call the authorities and have them seize our ship?" Echo says with his brows knitted together. He glanced up at Tech quizzically.

"That is exactly what I am saying." Tech nodded, temporarily looking away from his datapad to meet eyes with the Inquisitor. "What do you think, Malaina?"

Malaina's shoulders tensed at the warmth she felt when she heard Tech say her name. Why did it sound so...addicting? She loved the way it sounded coming from his articulate mouth. "Yeah, I was..thinking the same thing." She agreed, glancing down at her lap and fidgeting with the fabric of her black overtunic.

Echo stroked his bare chin, eyes squinting in thought. "I guess if they think it's abandoned, that just might work." He hummed, surprisingly finding himself agreeing with the faintly reckless idea. "But if Hunter disagrees, then I wasn't a part of this."

Malaina scoffed. "He'll probably blame me for it."

"You did what?" Hunter's voice growled through the comm.

The ship jolts as the authorities lift it off of the ground.

"Tech." The Sergeant scolded.

Malaina raised her eyebrows at Tech, who seemed to not be worrying about Hunter's reaction. "This was the simplest solution." He says into the comm, voice entirely innocent as he talks with his commanding officer.

"Getting our ship impounded is not my idea of a solution!" Hunter retorted. Malaina bit back a chuckle.

"We'll meet you at the spaceport with the chain codes. I have this under control." Tech says, trying to calm his angry brother down.

"There's one big problem. Omega's on the ship with Fifth Sister." Hunter hissed.

"What?!" Malaina chimed, eyes scanning the area until they landed on the blonde who sat up in the gunner's mount for the tail guns. She whirled back around and raised her hands to show she had no idea, nor any intentions to harm the child.

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