10.Beroya (Bounty Hunter)

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"Idaflor, that's where we'll go." Hunter determined, pointing to the planet displayed on the navicomputer.

Malaina squinted at the large bright screen. "Sounds like a good place for you guys." She agreed, crossing her arms behind her back.

Wrecker groaned. "But Idaflor's not even inhabited." He complained.

Tech appeared at Malaina's side, their shoulders brushing together briefly before he took a step forward, moving to sit in the chair.

Hunter leaned against the console. "Which makes it the perfect place to hide out." He replied.

Omega made a face of disapproval. "Hide? But I've been stuck on Kamino my whole life. Can't we explore?" She asked, looking up at the Sergeant with pleading eyes.

Hunter quickly shook his head. "Not right now. We have to wait for things to settle down." He responded, watching Omega lower her head in disappointment.

Tech held up a finger. "Well, we won't be doing either. We don't have enough fuel, and we are also entirely out of rations." He chimed, turning his head to look at his squad. "Without the Republic to provide us supplies, we'll have to acquire these necessities on our own."

Echo emerged from the cockpit, brows furrowed. "Well, we got a bigger problem. Comm chatter has our ship's signature on a wanted list."

Malaina looked down at the ground, yet again feeling guilty for something she knew wasn't her fault. The Empire was hunting for the Bad Batch.

Tech shrugged. "So we scramble it." He says simply, shrugging off Echo's concern.

"You can do that?" Wrecker asks in shock.

Tech adjusted his posture. "Of course I can do it. But I need to land in order to perform those modifications." He replies, thumbs tapping aggressively on his datapad. "By my calculations, the closest planet is...Pantora."

"Pantora is actually a moon." Malaina corrected, resting a hand on the back of Tech's chair. She pointed to the spherical rock to the left of the moon. "It's the primary moon in orbit around this planet, Orto Plutonia."

Tech had to double check her words, looking it up on his datapad. He hummed in shock. "You are correct. I did not know that."

Wrecker chuckled, clapping a hand onto the goggled clone's shoulder. "We got another genius onboard."

Malaina hummed to herself. "And actually, Pantora isn't a bad place to hide out in. Ro Station is busy, so I can blend in well." She realized her mistake on Saleucami, so she now planned to wear her hood anytime she went out in public. It would hide her face and help her mix into the crowd a little more.

Hunter nodded his head. "Pantora it is."

Pantora was a terrestrial moon, with its primary terrain being the marshes. But where the Bad Batch landed was a busy city booming with many different sentient beings.

Ro Station's refueling depot was where Malaina currently stood, preparing to finally part from the group of rogue clones she had been traveling with for the last three days.

Hunter was now dressed in his civvies, a pair of khaki pants, a green undershirt, and a slightly lighter green overtunic. And Echo was dressed as a droid, something Malaina didn't want to question.

"You can't sell that explosive. It's our last one." Wrecker argues, wearing a sad expression.

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "And it's the only thing we have worth any money." He replies, stuffing the explosive into the bag Omega was holding for him.

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