24.Vi Urcir Tug'yc (We Meet Again)

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Hunter looked out the windshield at the troops filing out of the transports, him as well as the others having just arrived on the bridge. "It's Crosshair alright." He confirmed, then panned the binoculars over to the Chiss and Twi'lek, who were dressed in similar clothing as Malaina.

He quickly pieced two and two together, lowering the binocs and giving Malaina a sentimental look.

She didn't notice. Malaina felt her nerves building up, any minute now she could explode. She was taught to react differently, but the brunette was experiencing a rising fight or flight response to the situation.

"He won't be able to detect us. I'm blocking their scanners." Tech chimed, trying to add some comfort.

Both Hunter and Malaina shook their heads. "That won't stop him." The Sergeant replies.

"They can sense me." Malaina said quietly, eyes pointing to the Inquisitors that were looking in her general direction. Amongst her fear, she began to feel guilty. "I-I'm sorry. You guys should go before they get here, I can hold them off."

Hunter immediately shook his head, grabbing her bicep and forcing her to look at him. "We don't leave our own behind. We're all getting out of this together." He said sternly.

"Yeah, we're not letting you go back there." Wrecker chimed, crossing his arms over his chest.

Malaina looked down at the ground, letting out another anxious breath. Her chest hurt, her hands remained clammy. But if she was going to make it out of here a free woman then she needed to get it together.

"Come on." Hunter ordered the squad, beginning to lead them out of the bridge. Tech walked right alongside Malaina, practically pressing his side against hers. Malaina was reminded of what he said on Ord Mantell, that she wouldn't have to fight the Inquisitors on her own. He was there for her.

"How many troopers we talking about?" Echo asked as they ran down the dark halls of the Jedi cruiser. He found his way to the other side of Malaina.

"Three attack shuttles' worth." Tech replied quickly.

"And Inquisitors?" Echo asked, his gaze strong enough for Malaina to feel through his helmet.

Her chest tightened. "Two. Third Brother and Ninth Sister." This was a nightmare, starting to think that her return to Arkanis might just be inevitable.

"We already got what we came for. Let's get to the Marauder." Wrecker chimed, holding a large crate full of charges he pulled from the artillery bay.

Hunter tilted his head to the side, listening to something that nobody else could pick up. "They're already on board the cruiser. We need a covert way out."

"They'll do a forward-to-aft sweep. We can alternate corridors." Echo determined, beginning to lead the squad one way. "Come on."

Tech kept his eyes glued to the datapad as the squad discreetly made their way through the Jedi cruiser. Malaina found her hand moving towards her vibroblade after every sound she heard, afraid she had been found by the Inquisitors.

She knew she would sense them when they were close, but her overwhelming sense of fear made her paranoid.

Maybe her senses wouldn't pick them up, maybe just this once they would take her by surprise.

"Talk to me, Tech." Hunter requested, shining his flashlight ahead while they continued to walk.

"I'm trying to tap into the regs' comms so we can monitor their movements." Tech responded without looking up from his datapad.

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