26.Nayc Adiik (No Child)

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"How's the Mantell Mix, kid?" Wrecker asked, glancing up at the blonde he had sitting up on his shoulder.

Omega shoved a handful of the colorful treat into her mouth. "Better than ever." She declares, hand feeding Wrecker some.

Malaina sighed, placing a hand over the wound on her stomach. It had been a little over a week since the Bracca and Bora Vio incidents. A little over a week she had been healing from two blaster wounds.

The one on her side was nothing but a few large scabs that were sometimes a little itchy. The more severe wound on her stomach, well, breathing too deeply would cause quite a bit of pain. Pretty much everything still did, sending sharp pains pulsing through her entire abdomen.

She never did complain to the others about it, continuing on as if she were perfectly fine.

On Arkanis injuries like this weren't enough to knock you out of the field exercises, so Malaina was quite used to functioning with pain. That doesn't mean she never wanted to just fall into bed and curl up into a ball until she was healed though.

Hunter noticed her discomfort.

Right now, at night, and on their jobs which have been a lot calmer and easygoing compared to their special forces and adrenaline-rush missions. Hunter had requested that Cid give them food deliveries and simple no-contact jobs so they could lay low.

He tried to drop hints, to give her unspoken permission to just sit out on the jobs and rest like her body was begging her to do.

But she wouldn't give in.

"So, when's our next mission?" Omega asked, itching to get back into the action. She hadn't used her bow in a whole week, she said she felt out of practice despite the makeshift shooting range Wrecker made in the junkyard just outside of the city.

Tech turned and looked up at the girl, beginning to walk backwards while talking. "With two bounty hunters after you, it'd be wise to keep a low profile."

Hunter realized he had never explained to Omega why their jobs had taken such a major change in tone. He slowed the squad to a stop just outside of Cid's parlor. "Tech's right. There's too much heat on us right now."

Wrecker laughed. "That never stopped us before." He argued, setting Omega carefully onto the ground.

"Before you guys didn't have eleven Sith and an entire Empire hunting after you." Malaina chimed, guilt eating at her for ever even considering staying with these guys. She put them in even more danger, it was her fault.

"Eleven?" Echo said in shock.

Hunter pulled Wrecker down to his height and began whispering, out of earshot from the others.

Omega held out the bucket of Mantell Mix. Tech's nose immediately crinkled and he shook his head. Echo picked up a piece and sniffed it, which made Omega laugh. Malaina was afraid to hurt the girl's feelings, so she forced herself to eat a few pieces.

Hunter brushed past the four after finishing his conversation with Wrecker, going down inside Cid's parlor wordlessly. The others followed silently, spreading out across the room.

Malaina sat with Tech, Hunter, and Echo at the bar while Wrecker and Omega went to finish off the large carton of Mantell Mix. She rested her elbows on the countertop, using them as a pillow for her head.

She heard the bottom of a glass slide across the counter. Malaina looks up and sees Hunter on the other side of the bar, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Wanna have a go at some taste testing?" he asked, leaning forward and resting his forearm on the counter. "This one's my personal favorite."

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