28.Haav (Bed)

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"I don't want to leave this room." Malaina complained, trying to untangle her leg from the sheets as she scooted further up the bed to rest her head on Tech's chest. His arm pulled her closer as he began brushing his thumb over the small scars that were scattered around her bicep. "Why don't we stay just one more day?"

    "It is quite tempting, however the squad will be here in half an hour so we must get dressed." Tech chimed, lifting his goggles up to rub the sleep out of his eyes –not like they actually got that much sleep though– before readjusting the yellow-tinted lenses.

    Malaina groaned, burying her face in the blanket. She felt so safe in this room, in this bed with Tech. There had never been a time before where she didn't feel like danger was right around the corner. She could relax, she could breathe.

    "Can we get left behind more often?" She asked, voice muffled by the blanket.

Tech's chest shook as he laughed inaudibly. He grabbed her hand, raising it up to his mouth to kiss her knuckles one by one.

    "I do not think Hunter would be too pleased with us if we start purposely falling behind so that we can have intimate moments together in a motel every mission." Tech replied, beginning to pull away from Malaina to reach down on the floor to grab his black undershirt.

    "Yeah, well screw what Hunter thinks." Malaina grinned, rolling to the other side of the bed to grab her clothing.

    Once the couple was dressed and had all their things in order, they set out towards the coordinates that Echo sent them for the rendezvous. They made it into the woods without being spotted by the Empire.

    Malaina grabbed Tech's hand, holding onto it as they walked through the forest of trees with red leaves.

The ground had fresh sprouting flowers and it took so much self restraint for Malaina to not pick a few to make a bouquet to add a feminine touch to the dark ship she lived on with four men. Omega would enjoy it too, as she was still exploring flora after being locked in a manmade structure her entire life.

    But they were running short on time.

    "I want to come back here some day when it's not being controlled by the Empire." Malaina admitted, her eyes scanning the beautiful scenery above.

The way the sky peeked through holes in the treetops brought a smile to her face, and the way the sun rays shone down on the plants was beautiful. She was living in a dream.

    Tech squeezed her hand softly as they approached the Marauder. The rest of the squad stood outside of it, some leaning against the ship while others (Omega and Wrecker) sat on the ground and drew figures in the dirt.

    They got close enough for Malaina to notice the smirk on Hunter's face. The Sergeant pushed off the side of the ship, arms still crossed as he and Echo approached the couple.

    "They're alive!" Wrecker shouted sarcastically, holding a hand out to help Omega off the ground.

    "Tech! Malaina!" Omega shouted, running towards them while grinning from ear to ear.

    "So, what'd you guys do for the last two days?" Echo asked, crossing his scomp over his arm.

    Hunter placed his hands on his hips. "Oh, I know exactly what they were doing." He said knowingly, watching both Tech and Malaina's cheeks flush pink. Wrecker chuckled, catching onto what happened.

    "What did they do?" Omega asked innocently. Malaina watched Hunter's demeanor change, like he had forgotten about having a child.

    "Hide and seek, Omega." Malaina replied quickly.

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