8.Me'suum'ika (Moon)

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"-glassy eyes, long necks, and sleek bodies of the bipedal indigenes spoke to a marine past." Tech argued, using the Kaminoan's physical features as evidence for his statement.

    Malaina smirked, shaking her head. "I'm shocked that you haven't researched the very species that created you, Tech." She responded, scooting closer to the edge of her seat, closer to Tech who sat in a similar position. "They had been land dwellers up until a flood that left Kamino forever submerged in water." She explained.

    Tech knitted his brows together, hands tightening around his inhibitor chip scanning device he was currently working on as he thought, eyes glued to the wall to Malaina's right. "Fascinating." He muttered, briefly glancing at Malaina while he adjusted his goggles. "Most technologically advanced sentient species would have abandoned their homeworld and found somewhere new to live."

    Malaina shrugged, falling against the back of her seat, looking out at the blue hyperspace lights. "I mean, home is home. I'm not sure I'd leave my planet even if some global catastrophe wiped out most of my kind's existence."

    Tech stayed silent, observing the woman sitting across from him. The bacta worked fast on her stitched up cheek, and she could probably remove her stitches within the next day if she wanted to.

    Malaina took a deep breath, finding more information to keep the topic going. "Instead of fleeing their home, the Kaminoans built cities on stilts all the while the oceans were rising and covering what remained of their land. And they turned to cloning technology to ensure the survival of their species, and along the way had taken genetic replication farther than any known species in the galaxy. They're brilliant."

    Echo banged his head under the console from where he was working, grumbling to himself.

Malaina and Tech had been talking for hours, successfully annoying the others out of the cockpit. But Echo had to stay and work on repairing what he could from inside the ship. There was a long list, and he could use Tech's help, but the spectacled clone was too busy discussing Kaminoans with the second biggest nerd in the galaxy while inventing a chip scanning device.

    The lights dimmed even darker than they already were, then got really bright, then cut out, and returned back to normal. One of the many results of the blaster fight on Saleucami.

    "Echo, lights cut out again. I thought you fixed it." Hunter chimed from the hull. Malaina scoffed, as if everyone else didn't notice the creepy flickering of the lights.

    Echo stood up, peeking into the hull with baggy eyes. "Yeah, add it to the list." He replied tiredly as he turned back around and stood close to Malaina and Tech. "The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami. Several systems have been glitching ever since. Repairs would go faster if I had some help."

    Malaina glanced up at the slightly more pale clone. "Would you take my help if I offered it?"

    Echo shrugged one shoulder. "At this point, I'll take any help." He replied.

    Sparks flew from the device in Tech's hand as he worked with more wires. "I will assist as soon as I have finished building this scanner." He muttered, half-listening. "Testing the functionality of our inhibitor chips takes precedence."

    Echo plopped down into his co-pilot seat and rolled his head to the side to raise an eyebrow at Tech. "But I thought you said they were defective."

    Tech held the device close to his face, rechecking his work. "A theory this device will be able to prove."

    Malaina crossed her arms, fingers pinching the skin on her biceps. "Yours hasn't been activated as of yet. The clones on Kamino felt like half puppets, like their consciousness wasn't all there." She chimed.

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