29.Chakur (Steal)

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"So you guys met Roland." Cid says, crossing her arms behind her back.

"Unfortunately." Malaina muttered, leaning against the wall of the ship. "Who's he to you?"

"A former client. He's the son of a crime boss, Isa Durand." Cid explained. "Roland's trying to make a name for himself by joining up with the Pykes."

Hunter raised an eyebrow. He wasn't entirely onboard with assisting in this situation. "What's he doing on Ord Mantell?"

"This port's connected to multiple hyperspace routes, ideal for smuggling. My parlor's right in the middle of the action." Cid said, sounding vaguely frustrated with it. "Roland saw the value in it and took it."

To Malaina, it sounded like a personal problem for Cid to take care of herself. But she knew damn well that the Trandoshan would never do any work herself. "Then relocate and start up a new parlor. The one you have now is filthy anyway." Malaina said simply. Tech nodded in agreement.

Cid glared at her. "We're taking it back."

"We?" Hunter frowned.

"If I lose, you lose."

"I'm okay with that." Malaina admitted. Echo and Wrecker gave her amused looks.

Cid had a brief evil glint in her yellow eyes. "Don't forget how good I've been at keeping secrets."

"I believe she's threatening us." Tech determined.

Oh shit, Malaina cringed. She decided then that she was going to shut up in fear that Cid would actually contact the Grand Inquisitor.

Omega looked up at the adults. "When we needed help, we came to Cid, remember? Now she needs help." She said, walking over to Cid and standing next to her supportively. "We can't just walk away."

"You tell 'em, Tiny." Cid exclaimed, resting a hand on Omega's shoulder and smiling.

Malaina leaned closer to Hunter and whispered,  "You're raising her too well."

Hunter sighed loudly, realizing he wasn't getting the squad out of this. "So, what's your plan?" He asked the Trandoshan.

Cid waved her walking stick towards the exit of the ship. "Walk with me." She says, leading them down the steps and back out into the hot Ord Mantell weather and busy streets. "My sources tell me that a buyer is meeting Roland tonight to acquire a shipment of spice he's storing in my back office."

Just based on that information, Tech was able to determine what Cid had in mind. "You want to disrupt his supply chain by stealing the shipment and thereby sabotaging the deal."

Cid nodded. "Very good, Goggles." She praised.

Malaina smirked, bumping her elbow into Tech's. "Five gold stars to the pretty boy in the specs."

Wrecker giggled, slapping Tech's shoulder. "She called you a pretty boy."

Tech adjusted his goggles, lowering his head to try and hide the fact that he was a little flustered. "Yes, I heard her, Wrecker." He said quietly.

"When the Pykes come to collect, Roland won't be able to pay, and he'll be their problem." Cid concluded, turning the corner and leading them down a very dark alley.

Tech brushed his hand against Malaina's, his head turned just slightly to look at her. He liked being called a pretty boy, Malaina could tell. She would have to do it more often.

Cid opened up a trapdoor on the floor and then took a few steps back. "Start climbing, tough guys."

Malaina stepped up first, looking down into the hole, unable to see how far it went. She jumped down instead of using the ladder, relying on the Force to tell her when it was time to stick the landing.

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