11. Ke'gyce Rol'eta Resol (Order 66)

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"I'm just gonna do it. Cut it just above my shoulders." Malaina determined, holding her vibroblade to her hair that she had taken out of its two braids.

Since one side was now shorter than the other, she decided it was time for a haircut.

One side of her hair ended at her chest while the other went past her waist, so she could just even them out and leave it long, but something in her itched to cut more, as if it were a way to part from her Imperial self.

Like cutting her hair would seperate her from her traumatic past. Fifth Sister had long hair, Malaina has short hair.

Maybe she was just being ridiculous, but the poor woman was just trying to find her place in the galaxy.

"You're sure? That's a lot of hair." Echo questioned, leaning against the doorway of the refresher. Malaina and Hunter were tucked inside, the Sergeant wanting to be there to supervise.

Apparently he cuts his own hair, and he wanted to make sure she does hers correctly, and if not he would step in and fix it up.

And he was worried Malaina might accidentally cut off her own fingers. That was the biggest reason of all.

"I'm 100% sure." Malaina confirmed, slicing through her hair without a second thought.

Hunter panicked. "Wait-I didn't think you were serious about using the vibroblade! Don't do that." He scolded, pushing past her and Echo to go grab his actual barber scissors he stole from Kamino.

Malaina pursed her lips, setting the blade on the counter and throwing the large chunk of hair in the trash can. "Oopsie." She muttered with raised eyebrows. Echo chuckled from the doorframe.

Hunter rushed back in, looking her over to make sure she didn't do anything else to her hair. He swatted her hands away and then began cutting her hair properly.

Malaina stared into the mirror in shock, watching him work, cutting away her locks.

Her head immediately started to feel lighter the more hair that was cut off, and she got excited, biting her lip and shaking her fists when she started to see the final look fall into place.

"We managed to collect 14,000 on Pantora. That lightsaber was the jackpot." Echo announces, pulling the bag of credits out of his pocket.

The Inquisitor raised her eyebrows. "You were able to sell it for 14,000 credits!?" She said in shock.

Hunter shook his head. "No, lightsaber was 11,000." He corrected. Pausing to snip off another few chunks of hair. "Echo was 3,000."

Malaina's eyes widened. "You...sold Echo?" She grinned, turning to the cyborg, who was shaking his head in annoyance. "The vendor thought you were a droid?" She asked.

"Military type." Hunter confirmed. That made Malaina cackle, muttering apologies to Echo between laughs.

Hunter made a last adjustment and then backed up, observing his work while mentally patting himself on the back for his fine work.

Malaina raised a hand, ruffling the hair that ended just barely above her shoulders. Her eyes brightened and she smiled, really liking the final result. "It's great, Sarge! You've got a talent for cutting hair." She complimented, turning around to face the bandana-wearing clone.

He scratched the back of his neck shyly, avoiding eye contact, flustered as he nodded his head. "Ah, it's nothing." He responded. "Gotta admit, I've never cut anyone else's hair before." He chuckled.

"It's perfect, really." Malaina smiled, nodding to him. They cleaned up the hair mess and then Malaina made her way into the cockpit where Tech was busy making adjustments to the wrist comm he had taken from Crosshair to give Omega.

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