19.Junk Me'suuum (Junk Planet)

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Malaina sat in one of the seats in the cockpit, knees pulled into her chest while she absentmindedly spun her vibroblade around.

    Evidently at one point in her life Malaina had the nobility to be a Jedi. She never would have seen that one coming, but it happened to make the most sense. Being a Jedi Padawan filled in a lot of blank spaces in her memory.

    "Master, why are they making us fight in the war? I thought that as Jedi we are supposed to be peacekeepers." She had asked her Master one time as they walked the vacant halls of a clean Jedi cruiser.

    She hadn't been able to make out her master's face. He had his hood on, hiding his side profile. "These are confusing times, my Padawan. The Republic needs our help."

    Confusion. That's what she remembers feeling. "Jedi should not interfere with politics. Politics are not peaceful. And we're not soldiers. Isn't that why the Clone army was made?"

    And then he turned to face her.

Past Malaina didn't react, but present Malaina, she flinched at the extremely familiar face.

    Sixth Brother is Master Cade, she was his apprentice.

    "You are an inquisitive one, Malaina. In time, your question will be answered."

    Malaina stood abruptly from her seat, sliding her vibroblade back into its holding space. She trailed into the hull where Tech and Omega were working on the inhibitor chip scanner, using Gonky as a table.

    Wrecker was nervously pacing, unable to remain seated. "I d-I don't like this plan." He admitted, eyes squinting due to another headache.

    Hunter placed a hand on the large clone's shoulder. "We agreed to meet Rex on Bracca. That's what we're doing."

    Malaina leaned against the wall, letting out a soft sigh that caught Tech's attention. He took in her appearance, still seeing that same clouded-over expression.

He was right, these were memory recollections that she seems to experience every time something from her past comes back to find her. Rex and the battle droids, she was obviously well-acquainted with both.

    "He wants to cut open my head." Wrecker whined, sitting on the navicomputer's console.

    "All of our heads actually." Tech chimed, handing Omega a tool.

    The blonde tilted her head. "Not mine. I don't have an inhibitor chip." Omega revealed.

    Wrecker's shoulders slumped. "Why not? Now, that's not fair!" The looks he received from Malaina and Hunter were horrifying.

    The Sergeant stepped closer to Gonky, examining the tools displayed on the flat surface of the droid. "How's the chip scanner coming?"

    "Since Rex's chip was removed, I am able to establish a baseline by comparing his brain scan to ours. Allowing for the detection of any cellular anomaly." Tech replied, taking the scanner with him as he trailed back into the cockpit.

    Wrecker and Hunter looked utterly confused. They were unable to detect an answer to the question in either of those sentences.

    "It's almost finished." Malaina says simply, her voice entirely monotone. She was obviously tired, but she had no desire to sleep right now.

    She would be regretting that later.

    "Do we really have to do this?" Wrecker asked, genuinely sounding fearful.

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