21.Mirshe (Brain)

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    "Okay, stay here. I'll let you know when it's safe." Malaina ordered, making sure Omega's legs were out of the way before sliding the cabinet halfway shut.

Omega seemed startled. "Wait, you're not staying with me?" She asked, prominent fear in her usually sparkling, joyful eyes.

Malaina sighed, dropping her head and taking a deep breath. "It's okay, Omega. It'll be over soon and you and Wrecker can eat the Mantell Mix I know you have crammed in your pockets." She smiled, ruffling the kid's hair before closing the cabinet all the way and taking off to help take care of Wrecker.

    The halls had grown eerily quiet, which could be a good thing or a bad thing. Most likely a bad thing.

Malaina crept up against the walls, her steps inaudible as she passed through the rusted Jedi cruiser halls. She passed Hunter's unconscious body first, then Rex and Echo's. Tech was still out in the medical bay.

Wrecker was the one to sneak up on Malaina, surprisingly. She felt a large hand clasp the back of her head before anything else, and then her face made hard contact with the metal wall. She both heard and felt a crack in her nose, bringing tears to her eyes. Immediately blood began to trickle out of her nostrils.

Ignoring the pain, Malaina whirled around and used the Force to blow Wrecker's blaster out of his hand before she brought a hand up to his head and sent a Force stun through his skin, strong enough to knock him out.

Malaina bent down, resting her hands on her knees. Closing her teary eyes for a few seconds, she worked off her adrenaline rush and then took the few short steps closer to Wrecker, hooking her arms underneath his armpits and beginning to drag him back into the medical bay.

"All clear, Omega!" Malaina shouted, her voice echoing across the halls. She clenched her teeth together, pressing her lips together to keep the blood from getting in her mouth. Though she quickly had to scratch that, unable to breath through her broken, slightly crooked and bloodied nose that was already beginning to swell.

It took quite a lot of effort to get Wrecker back up on that surgical table, but once she did Malaina quickly got the datapad from the floor, syncing the data to the surgical pod and began the operation.

Omega pulled up a chair to sit beside Wrecker's feet, her face twisted in worry. She glanced at Malaina and that look only worsened. "Mal, your nose. There's blood everywhere."

"I'm fine." Malaina replied, brows knitted together in concentration. She was very precise with each movement.

Tech was the first of the unconscious clones to awaken. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head before adjusting his goggles that had been knocked crooked. He blinked in shock at the sight before him. "You have yet again amazed me, Malaina." He admitted, standing up and stretching his back. "Though you are bleeding quite profusely on my workstation." He commented, frowning in concern at her messed up face.

"It's my workstation. And I'm fine, it's just a broken nose." Malaina said monotonously, though she was relieved that Tech was finally awake.

And she would never admit it, but her face hurt like hell. "I'm nearly there, should be done soon."

Tech stood beside her, observing her precise work. He hummed proudly, realizing she was doing everything he would have done himself. "Well done." She just hummed back in response.

Hunter, Rex, and Echo ran into the room in a panicked manner, but upon seeing Wrecker tucked inside of the surgical pod their shoulders immediately untensed.

"Thank the Maker." Hunter muttered, approaching Omega to give her a once-over for any injuries. And then he turned to Malaina after getting a strong whiff of blood. His eyes widened, lips parting in shock.

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