XVII - "Ajax"

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There he was sitting and waiting on a rock under a tree overlooking the sea. Was he waiting? What was he waiting for? "Ajax?" I asked softly as I approached slowly and carefully. "Ah, you remember."

"Of course." I stopped behind him, his face was covered with a mask and he didn't seem to want to turn to me. "What are you doing here?" he asked eventually. "Are you following me?"

He sighed softly as he shook his head. "There's no point anymore." I didn't understand what he meant by that. "Do you still love me?"

"Let's go for a little walk, my little songbird." Although I didn't see him, I knew he was smiling. the fatui got up and walked towards the sea, I followed him. "Ajax?" Why was he avoiding my question? Didn't he care?

With his hands clasped behind his head, he walked in front of me whistling, he wasn't wearing shoes and his pants were rolled up. We walked along the beach, our footprints being washed away by the waves. "How did I get to Liyue?" Again, he didn't answer my question, which was getting on my nerves. "Ajax-!"

"There are things I can't answer either, my dear." His voice was raspish but weak. What question did he want to answer with that? "Ajax!" Now he stopped, but didn't turn around. "It started with that Jian, you drove me insane. I never wanted to be like that but I don't want to risk losing you again so I had to get rid of every competitor."

"If you had treated me right, I would never have run away from you." I hissed cynically at which point the sky darkened. "What are you saying?"

"You shouldn't have treated me like crap. You manipulated me." I mumbled under my breath, slightly intimidated by the cold and the electricity in the air. Suddenly he turned and shouted. "Go to hell you fucking bitch!"

Tears immediately came to my eyes from the fact that he shouted at me like that and his choice of words, which hurt me greatly. "I did everything for you, was always there for you and protected you. I tried to lay the world at your feet, wanted to show you how to live, but instead you only had eyes for other guys, even when we were together!" Only now did I realize all the blood on his clothes, on his face, his hair and on his hands. It was dripping down all over him, the air around him was heavily charged. "Ajax..."

"No shut up! I'm sick of chasing you, I love you yes. I love you way too much and that's why I'm letting you go. It's better for both of us."

"Ajax no wait!" I stormed towards him with tears in my eyes, reached for him and wanted to hug him but I didn't reach into anything. He was swallowed up by the earth. "Ajax!"

"I feel like you don't love me..." His voice echoed, wind blew along the coast carrying the voice away and I followed it.

I ran as fast as I could, further and further in the direction the echo came from, I kept hearing. "You don't love me, but I always will." As I sprinted, my eyes watered, the tears blown away in the wind. "That's not true! Please come back I love you!"

Eventually I tripped over a root that suddenly protruded from the sand and fell. "Is that so?" I heard a voice behind me. "You love me?"

"Yes, with all my hea-" As I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes. "Did you miss me?" he asked mischievously. "Fuck you're dead!" Trembling, I crawled away from the man who was none other than...

"Y/N my love." The young man came towards me, in his chest there was a hole that had pierced him, an old wound. He was covered in dried blood. "Say, don't you rot at some point? That was more than a year ago now..."

He inhaled slowly, as if trying to calm down. "Can't you take things seriously for a second?" I just shrugged, slowly not caring what happened to me. Ajax was right, I was the one who treated him like shit not the other way around and I couldn't and didn't want to live without him anymore.

To live in the knowledge that he of all people didn't want me... That didn't make any sense to me anymore. "Are you some kind of machine?"

"Damn it, I'm trying to haunt you and you don't even take me seriously!" Wait a minute, then it must have been a dream. But I still felt pain, my leg was bleeding and I couldn't wake up. Maybe it wasn't a dream after all, maybe I was dead?

"Oh, rot in hell!" I grabbed a handful of sand and threw it right in his eyes, then took the opportunity to escape. "You can't run away from me!"

Jian laughed hysterically, I still couldn't believe it was really him. "If I catch you I will spread your legs 'Princess' then we'll finish what we started!"

Shit, shit, shit what kind of sick psycho game was that? And why the hell do legs always get weak at the worst of moments? In the distance I saw the handle of a polearm, and I knew which one.

"Xiaooo!" A relieved grin spread across my face as I approached the door, Jian was getting closer and closer now but he wouldn't stand a chance against an adeptus, right?


Instead of my savior, a bloodbath was to await me, the victim had a spear stuck in the middle of his chest and I slumped to my knees.

I screamed, I screamed as loud as I could, I let out a pain and hateful scream into the sky as my immortal friend lay dead on the ground, his eyes still open. They reflected the suffering, fear and sadness, I couldn't be there for him, I couldn't save him. My body filled with hatred and disbelief I stared up at the person who stood on the rock right next to us, laughing. "Ajax!"

I was now being yanked to the ground, grabbed by the hair and pushed into the sand, but I didn't really care, my eyes were on the corpse and the murder. The fact was that he, Xiao was dead and I was to blame.

"Got you 'princess'." Playfully, Jian spat out my title of nobility while leaning close to my ear to tell me something. "Now let's continue." With my back pinned to the sand, he spread my legs with his knee, exhausted as I was, I hardly managed to resist.

He rolled up my dress and tore my panties, in a few seconds his pants were undone and his manhood was sticking out. "Ajax help me!" I cried as loud as I could and struggled to get out of Jian's grip but I couldn't. Instead of making a move, the ginger sat on the stone and watched the spectacle, I could only see his grin.

The predator rubbed the tip over my privates, I narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth as he stopped at the entrance of my cunt. "Look at me, slut."

When I opened my eyes, the last thing I saw was a massive stone in his hand, which he smashed straight into my face with full force.


"All dreams do have meanings."

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