Chapter 5 - Reading

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Third person POV

The Gladers' attention was drawn to a knock on the metal door. It opened and a woman, dressed in white, appeared. She was a doctor.

'I have delivery.' She announced as she walked into the room. 'I've been told to call up the names and that you would know who the letter is meant for.'

The boys looked at each other, frowning. Why would they get letters and from who?

'Frying pan.' The woman looked at the boys. Some of them smiled as Frypan grabbed the letter out of the woman's hand.


(Credits to TMRobsessedgirly   for the amazing name :)

Just like Fry had done, Logan grabbed the letter.

'Animal killer.' The woman frowned a little before handing the letter to Winston.

'Thomas the train.'

Minho and Frypan chuckled lightly at the name.

'The other girl.' The woman read out loud.

'She's not here.' Thomas quickly said.

The woman nodded and went on with the other letter.

'Uhm- Mean hoe.'

With that name, Newt realized who the letters were from. Nora. She was the one that called him a mean hoe. Minho didn't look happy with the name.

'And last but not least. Lizard.'

Minho's smile appeared again as Newt's cheeks turned deep red.

'That was it. I'll come to get you for lunch, later.' And with that, the woman walked away.

'Let's see.' Minho grinned as he sat down in his bed, ripping the envelope open.

When Newt opened the envelope, a letter fell out. On both sides was written.
Thomas let out a gasp when he saw not only the letter but Chuck's wooden figure in the envelope. Thomas blinked a few times before putting the figure away. Everyone was reading until out of a sudden, both Frypan and Winston gasped. Their letters were way shorter than the others ones, especially Newt's, so they already finished reading.

Frustrated Frypan started walking around the room, rubbing his forehead. Winston buried his head in his hands. It didn't take long for Thomas to finish reading too.

'Shit.' He muttered. 'We gotta open the door.'

'Shhh, you slinthead. I can't read with your talks.' Minho snapped.
Thomas sighed and rubbed his eyes.

When Minho's breathing hitched, the other boys, except for Logan and Newt, looked at him. There was nothing left of the snappy, sarcastic Minho from three seconds ago.

'No, no, no.' Minho mumbled. 'This is a joke, right?' He couldn't believe it. The other boys shrugged and looked at Logan and Newt, waiting for their reaction.

Minho almost got tears in his eyes, but he wasn't going to show his emotions. With his heart beating fast, he looked at Logan. Logan's eyebrows slowly furrowed and he held the letter so tightly, the paper almost ripped.

Out of a sudden, Logan roughly got up from his bed and started banging against the door. 'Open the shucking door!' Logan screamed. 'Shit!' He yelled. 'This- no! No, no, no!'

Logan kept yelling things, while Newt just sat on his bed.

'Did you finish reading?' Minho carefully asked.

Newt didn't respond and looked at the letter. After a few seconds, Minho bent down in front of Newt.

'Newt? Did you read it?' He repeated.
Again, no response. Minho started to get worried. 'Guys, can he go in a trance?'

Frypan walked over to them too. 'I don't know.'

'Where are the shucking Med-jacks when you need them!' Logan screamed in frustration. 'None of them is shucking left!'

'Newt!' Minho shook his shoulders and finally, Newt seemed to wake up. 'Jezus, man.' Minho sighed.

With wide eyes, Newt looked around him. His eyes shot from every boy, to the door, the letter, and the floor. He seemed panicked.

'Open the door! We need help!' Logan shouted again. 'We need to get to Nora!'

Newt still didn't say anything as he got up from his bed.

'Newt? Talk to us.' Minho ordered.

'This- no- it's not- can't be-.'

'Newt! Form normal sentences!' Minho yelled.

With watery eyes, Newt looked at Minho. It hurt Minho to see his friend like this. A lot. Newt had never cried in front of him. Not in front of anyone. Minho wondered if even Nora ever saw him cry, but turned out he would never be able to ask her.

'Shit.' Newt closed his eyes.

'Newt?' Minho asked again.

'God! Everything is going wrong!' Logan balled his fists and closed his eyes.

'Oh, shuck.' Thomas mumbled.

Newt's breaths got unsteady as he put a hand on his chest. 'I gotta- I need to get to... Nora.' He gasped for air. 'Shit.'

Minho would normally tell Newt to calm down and that all of it would be okay, but then Minho would be lying.

Cold sweat appeared on Newt's forehead. 'Nora- she- I have to see her- she can't-.'

'Open the goddamn door!' Logan banged on the door again.

'Newt. Calm down, okay?' Minho got closer to him. 'This is the same thing that happened to Nora when she had a nightmare, do you remember- wait, no! Don't think about Nora. Think uhm... Okay, Newt, tell me what color your hair is.'

Minho remembered Nora having the same symptoms as Newt had.
'I don't care about the bloody color of my hair!' Newt squeezed his eyes shut.

'Say it, Newt.'

'Blonde, got damn it!'

'Good. What's your favorite color?'

'I don't have one.' Newt panted through his breaths.

'Yes, you do, Newt! Tell me.'

'Y-yellow.' Newt gasped and looked at the floor. 'Is the door open?' He quietly asked.

'Can you breathe?' Minho questioned.

'Yes, Minho!' Newt roughly got up from the floor. 'Oh, god.'

Newt let the tears stream down his face. He felt broken, just like he did before Nora showed up. He didn't know if Nora was still alive or not. She had to be.
Stunned Minho looked at the crying Newt. He was sobbing by now.

Suddenly the door to their room opened and a doctor appeared. Logan didn't hesitate to push him aside and run out of the room.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?!' The doctor yelled but he was too late. Newt and Logan had already rushed out of the room and soon the others followed.

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