Chapter 6 - Saving

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Newt started running as fast as he could, not even caring how much his leg hurt. He had to get to Nora before it was too late. Maybe it was already too late, but they couldn't know. The only way to find out was to get to Nora, wherever she was.

'Nora!' Logan screamed from a few feet behind Newt. 'Where are you?!' He yelled.

Newt kept running. He knew where Nora's room was since he had climbed through the vents. After a few minutes, he arrived in front of her room. The door was open. Newt didn't hesitate to walk in and look around. His breathing hitched when he saw Nora wasn't there.

'Shit.' He muttered, the tears already forming in his eyes. In a panic, Newt started running again. Where could she be? He wondered.

Later Newt found himself running through a hallway. It felt like he had been running for hours. Just when he was about to stop running and catch his breath, he saw a strand of dark blonde hair disappearing behind the corner of the hallway. Immediately Newt sped up and turned around the corner.

'Nora!' He yelled. 'Please stop!'
Newt could see Nora running a few feet in front of him. She was fast. Too fast for Newt to catch up since he had his limp and had been running for quite a while. 'Nora, please! It's Newt!'

Nora abruptly stopped running and turned her head slightly. For a second she looked Newt in the eyes. Her lips made the movement of
I'm-sorry and she turned around again. Newt ran after her.

'Nora! It'll be okay!' He yelled again. With the last energy Newt had, he sped up again. He wasn't going to let Nora, the love of his life, die. He had to get to her and he would.

They were just inches away from each other now. Newt moved his arm forward, so he could grab Nora. After a few more steps, he was able to grab her arm and pull her back. Nora let out a yelp, followed by a small cry.

'Love,' Newt said through his heavy breaths. 'Don't do this.'

Slowly Nora turned her head and looked at Newt with watery eyes. It broke Newt's heart. Her eyes were so sad, just like her expression. 'Let go, Newt.' She quietly said.

'I can't.'

Nora started resisting. Kicking and hitting with her legs and arms. Newt wasn't planning on letting her go. Tightly he wrapped his arms around her.

'Newt!' Nora cried. 'I can't- I don't want to-.' It turned into a sob.

'You're gonna be okay, love.' Newt tried to calm her down. Tears streamed down Nora's face as Newt started dragging her back to the others. Again, Nora protested. She tried to free her hands and arms from Newt's grip, but he was too strong. The only thing she could do was kick with her legs, but that didn't work either. Newt kept holding her tightly.

'Stop, Newt!' Nora whimpered. 'Let go of me!'

It was hard to ignore Nora, but Newt still didn't listen. He wasn't going to leave her. He wasn't going to let her kill herself.

Nora's yells turned into sobs and soon she didn't try to resist anymore. Newt hated how she looked. It made him sad too.

'Nora!' Logan appeared in front of the couple once they arrived in the Gladers' room. 'What the hell!' Logan yelled. 'What do you think you're doing?'

'Logan, don't yell at her. Not right now.' Newt ordered.

Hesitantly Logan gave up and sat down on his bed, looking at Nora and Newt. The others were still not in the room. They were probably still looking for Nora in the building.

'Nora?' Newt carefully asked as he sat down on his bed, pulling Nora on his lap.

Instead of replying, Nora buried her head in Newt's chest and started crying again. Somber Newt and Logan looked at the girl. There was nothing left of the girl she was once. Not at this point, at least.
Newt knew it would take a long and hard time for Nora to get over this, but he was ready to do anything to help. Logan too.

'Nora, you're gonna be okay.' Logan tried.

'You're all right, love.' Newt quietly said.

'I don't want to be all right!' Nora raised her voice in response. 'I'm only making things worse for you.'

'You're not making things worse, love. You're making it better. You hear me?' Newt protested.


'No. You're not making things worse, Nora.' Logan interrupted her. 'No one wants you to die.'

Just then Thomas ran into the room, but he stopped right in his tracks when he saw Nora on Newt's lap. 'Nora.' He realized. 'Are you okay?' Worried he sat down next to the couple. 'Is she hurt?' Thomas looked at Newt.

'No, I don't think so.' Newt replied.
'Not physically at least...' He muttered.

Minho walked into the room too, and his face lit up when he saw Nora. 'Oh, my- Nora!' He said in relief. Nora didn't look at any of them. She would rather just stay with Newt without saying anything.
Minho gave Newt a questioning look. Newt nodded in response.

Frypan and Winston ran into the room too. Relief washed over Frypan's face when he saw Nora. Winston too.

Nora didn't feel very comfortable with all the boys around. She liked and trusted them for sure, but after what happened she didn't feel like seeing them. Not all of them, at least.

Just as always, Newt noticed something was wrong. 'We'll go to your room, love. Okay?'
Slowly Nora nodded, with eyes still watery. 'Let's go.' Newt got up from the bed and grabbed Nora's hand.
'We'll see you later.' Newt looked at all the boys, who just nodded.

With her head down, Nora followed Newt. She didn't dare to look at him again. She couldn't see how hurt he was by what she had done. Newt didn't say anything either. Instead, he grabbed Nora's hand and lead her to her room.

Once they arrived, Newt sat down on the bed. Nora stood in the door frame, still looking at the ground.

'Nora, love, sit down.'

With her hand on her arm, she slowly sat down next to Newt. Neither of them really knew what to say. Newt would rather start a conversation with Nora and talk about everything, but that didn't seem like the perfect option after what happened.
Newt did get why Nora tried to kill herself. He tried it once too. He knew how it felt, the empty feeling.

'Newt-.' Nora quietly started, but she never finished her sentence. It turned into another sob.

'It's okay.' Newt slowly wrapped his arms around Nora.

'It's not okay.' Nora whispered as she hesitantly hugged Newt back.

'You'll be okay.' Newt corrected.

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