Chapter 17 - Shucked

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A/N: This might be cringe, but I thought it would be funny. You'll see what I mean :)

TW - Mentions of abuse.


The next morning I felt happier than before. Me and Newt made everything up and I hoped Logan and I were okay too.

'Morning.' Logan glanced at me and Newt. I was still lying on his chest. 'I see you made it up.'

'Yes.' I got up. 'Let's go.'


'I'm going to talk to Logan, okay?' I asked Newt. I had been walking next to him for quite a while and I felt like Logan was left behind.

'Alright.' Newt replied.

'Hey.' I walked next to Logan.

'Oh, hey.' He smiled lightly.

'Is everything alright between us?'

'Yeah, I think so.'

'I'm sorry that I asked about- uhm...' I carefully said, trying not to make Logan upset again.

'It's fine. No need to apologize. I get it.' Logan quickly said.

I sighed relieved, but the question burned on my lips. 'Do you want to tell me what happened?' I asked, slow and quiet.

Logan hesitated and I noticed him tensing up.

'You don't have to.' I quickly added.

'No, no, no.' Logan rubbed his eye. 'I'll tell you.' He cleared his throat. 'You remember when I told you that I almost hurt my parents, right?'

'Mhm.' I nodded.

'I was in a fight with them. I had a lot of fights with them.' Logan explained. 'It didn't just come from my side. It wasn't just my anger that made us fight. I mean... my parents weren't the best. My father mostly.' Logan paused and took a breath. 'Sorry.' He muttered.

'It's alright.' I put a hand on his shoulder and stopped walking for a second. 'We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.'

'No, no.' Logan's voice cracked. 'I'll tell you.' We kept walking. 'So my father wasn't the best dad you could wish for and I wasn't the best child. Always coming home too late, not listening, that kind of stuff. As I grew older, things started to get harder.'
Logan's breathing hitched.
'My father started to get a little... violent. Sometimes he would just hit me in the face, nothing bad.'

I almost gasped at the story. It hurt me a lot. Did Logan hide this the whole time?

'Sometimes it got very bad, but I thought it was normal. One day, the day I got taken by WICKED, I got into a very bad fight. I was so angry that I broke things. If I didn't then I might've hurt my parents. I never wanted to do that. When my father saw me breaking glass and stuff, he pushed me. Maybe it was an accident, I don't know, but he pushed too hard. My back bumped into the sharp corner of a table. Leaving this.' Logan shrugged, but he didn't seem to like to talk about it.
'That's all I remember. That's one of the only fights I remember. I do know there are some other scars on my body, but I hope they're not from my father.'

'Oh, Logan.' I had tears in my eyes and didn't hesitate to hug him tightly. After a few seconds, Logan wrapped his arms around me too. 'Did you remember this the whole time?'

'Yeah.' Logan quietly replied before letting go of me again. Newt was looking at us, his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

'Let's go.' I wiped some sweat off my forehead and started walking again. It was hot outside, but the trees around us gave us some shadow. I had to admit that walking up a mountain was very tiring.

Suddenly I felt a bad cramp in my lower stomach. I let out a cry and bend down. 'Woah.' The two boys immediately rushed over to me. 'You okay?'

'Yeah.' I sat down on the ground and realized what was happening. 'Now this is great.' I sighed.


I looked at Newt. 'I think my period is starting.'

'In the middle of the Scorch?!' Newt raised his voice.

'I can't do anything about it.' I shrugged.

'I'm sorry- what? Your period? What's that?' Logan questioned.

I sighed. None of these boys ever seemed to know what a period was.

'It's when a woman loses blood once a month so she can get pregnant. She can get sick or have cramps in her stomach.' Newt explained.

I was surprised by Newt. Very surprised.
'What?' Logan asked again. 'Nora is pregnant?'

'What?' It was Newt's turn to say it now.
'No, no, no! You don't understand, Logan.' He sighed.
'She can get pregnant, but that's not the point- well... that kind of is the point- but not in Nora's situation!'

'Then what is the point?' I started to get confused too. Newt was saying things me and Logan both didn't understand.

'I mean that we don't want Nora to get pregnant.' Newt carefully said.

'That won't happen unless-...' A grin appeared on Logan's face. 'Aha!'

'What?' Me and Newt both asked.

'Oh my-.' Logan chuckled. 'You shucked Nora, Newt!'

My face turned deep red.
'Well, saying I shucked Nora sounds a bit rough... but we might've- uhm, done something like that once.' Newt's cheeks turned red too.

'Oh wow.' Logan sighed. 'When?'

'You're asking us when?' I raised my eyebrows. 'That's none of your business! Why are we even discussing this in front of Logan?'

'Where?' Logan grinned.

'God, why do you even want to know so badly?' Newt muttered.

'Where did you do it?!' Logan was impatient.

'Shower...' I mumbled.

Logan's face lit up.
'What?' Newt snapped. 'What're you thinking about? What's happening?!'

Logan laughed annoyingly. 'I heard it.'

My face darkened. 'No, you didn't-.'

'Yes, I did.'

'I was in the Homestead and couldn't sleep and the showers are right above the Homestead!' Logan chuckled.

'We were quiet!' Newt defended.

'Oh, no, you weren't.' Logan grinned again. 'It was like; oh, Newt! Newtie! Shit, Nora! Oh my-.'

'I never said that.' I frowned. 'You're making all of this up.'

'Okay, you never called him Newtie, but I did hear you guys.'

'This is embarrassing. Let's just keep moving.' I got up again.

'Alright, alright.' Logan chuckled. 'Don't worry, I won't tell Minho.'

I gave him a dirty glance. 'You better.'


Carefully I started taking my jacket off, so I could wrap it around my waist. I didn't bring anything to use, like pads, so I just had to cover my pants with a jacket. Hopefully, they had something at the Right Arm, if we ever found it.
But when my wrists were revealed, I hesitated. It was still hard for me to show my cuts in public or even walk around with them in front of Newt and Logan.

'Here, love.' Newt put out his own jacket.

'No, I don't want you to-.'

Newt helped me put my own jacket back on and wrapped his around my waist. It was one of those moments when I realized how kind Newt was and why I loved him so much.

'Thank you.' I hugged him. Newt hesitantly hugged back, probably surprised by my reaction.

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