Chapter 7 - Consequences

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The whole night Newt stayed awake. His arms were wrapped around Nora tightly. Nora's breaths were steady and her eyes were closed. Newt assumed she was asleep.
He wasn't planning to go to sleep. Who knew if Nora would try to walk away?

The doctors didn't say anything about what happened. Newt guessed they didn't even know what was happening.
Suddenly Newt's thoughts got interrupted by a small whimper, coming from Nora.

'Love?' Newt whispered.

'I-.' She muttered with her eyes closed.

Newt knew she was probably sleep talking. Nora did it all the time.

'Chuck.' Nora whispered. Newt's heart broke into pieces. He felt so bad for Nora already and now she was having these dreams.

Newt grabbed Nora's hand and slowly stroked the back of it. Nora let out a few more whimpers and cries, but then she stopped.


In the morning, Newt still hadn't left. He could get a punishment for doing so, but he didn't care at all. He had to stay and take care of Nora. She needed him.

Nora groaned a little and then opened her eyes. Almost seeming in panic, she looked around the room until her eyes met Newt's.

'Morning, love.' He smiled.
Nora's face darkened and her eyes turned sad.
'Hey, it's okay.' Newt quickly said. 'Do you want to get breakfast?'

For a few seconds, Nora thought about it. If she would get breakfast, she would see the others. All of them read her letters and they were probably going to ask questions. But Nora also wanted to see them and she knew she had to, someday.

'Sure.' Nora finally replied, with a hoarse voice.

Newt smiled and got out of bed, Nora followed. Both of them quickly got dressed and walked out of the room. Still somber, Nora grabbed Newt's hand and they headed to the cafeteria.


'Hey, Nora!' Minho's eyes lit up when he saw the girl.

'Nora!' Logan said, just as enthusiastic as Minho. Both of the boys got up and gave Nora a firm hug. Surprised by them, Nora sat down. Frypan and Winston gave her a nod and Thomas greeted her.

'Where's Teresa?' Nora carefully asked. She hadn't seen her yet.

'They took her away from us. Wanted to do some tests or something.' Thomas sighed.


Nora's POV

I nodded and started eating. I could feel the eyes of the others burn on me and I tried to ignore it, but it was hard.

'Stop looking.' I muttered under my breath, wondering if they even heard it. Turned out they didn't, since they didn't stop. 'Is there something on my face or what?' I raised my voice.

The Gladers blinked a few times and some shook their heads. 'No.' They all quickly looked away.

For the rest of the meal, we were silent until Logan roughly got up from his seat. 'I can't do this right now.' He muttered and rushed away.

Confused I looked at him. A small shiver went down my spine, though I didn't know why.

'Well, that was-.' Minho didn't finish his sentence.

'I'm going to talk to him.' I got up from my seat too.

'Wait.' Newt grabbed my arm. 'Don't. He's upset.'

I pulled my arm away from Newt and ignored his comment. Then I walked away.


Of course, the guards wouldn't let Logan walk away.

'I need to go.' Logan explained.

'Get back to your seat, kid.' The guard sternly said.

'Hey, what's going on?' I quickly walked over to Logan.

'He won't let me go.' Logan said between his teeth.

'Come on, Logan.' I noticed his fists were balled. 'Let's just go back.' I grabbed Logan's arm, but he didn't walk away. 'Logan.' I lowered my voice. 'Don't make a scene.'

'I don't trust them.' Logan replied, while still looking at the guard.

'Me neither, but let's just go for now, okay?' I tried again. 'Logan.' I warned.

'I need to know what they're doing.' Logan clenched his jaw.

'Logan, come on. We gotta go.'

I started to get impatient. If Logan didn't get away from the guard, his anger would take over. Things wouldn't end very well if that happened.

Out of a sudden, Logan roughly pushed the guard to the side and tried to walk past him, but the guard quickly recovered.

'Logan!' I ran over to him and pulled his arm. The guard grabbed our arms tightly. Logan started resisting and he punched the guard right in the face with his free hand. Blood flew out of the guard's mouth as anger formed on his face. 'Shit.' I muttered, realizing the outcome of the move Logan just made wasn't going to be good.

The guard grabbed our arms even tighter. It felt like he was almost squeezing my bones. The guard pulled us out of the cafeteria just when Newt and the others appeared. They started shouting some things, but the glass door was already closed so I couldn't hear them.

Another guard appeared and grabbed Logan's arms. He let out a scream and started kicking. Out of reaction, I did too. It made the guards grab us even tighter. They started walking us through the hallway until we arrived in front of the door. The guard that held me swiped a card on the device and pushed us into the room.

When they motioned for us to sit down on a chair, Logan protested. 'Just do it, Logan.' I said.

With a sigh, we both sat down, but when the guard started tying us onto the chairs, Logan resisted again. I squeezed my eyes shut and just let them do whatever the hell they wanted to do. Resisting was only going to make it worse.

After our feet and hands got tied, the guards walked away and another man appeared. Janson, or even better, Rat Man.

'Hello there.' Rat Man smiled annoyingly.

I almost rolled my eyes. 'Hello.' I groaned.
Logan didn't respond.

'We rather not have people to make scenes in here, do we?' Rat Man looked at Logan.
Logan mumbled something I couldn't understand.
'There are some consequences of your actions, kids.'

'Like what?' I questioned.

'Just answer the questions and you'll be fine.'

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