Chapter 1 - it is you.

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I stand in the dark hallway that is my home.

"Honey I'm home!" but i get no response back, she must still be out.

I walk through the surrounded by framed pictures of me and my wife.

As I walk through the hallway, I reminisce about when we first re-met all those years ago.

Present day (2020)

As I walk through an alleyway after dropping off some money to Daehyun's and Minji's families, I see a girl kneeling on the floor, I can see that she had scraped her knee and was wincing in pain because of it or could it be?

I go up to her and I kneel down to her level as I took off my facemask

Y/N - are you okay miss?

She responds with pain as she held her knee

? - I twisted my ankle while running down the street and I scraped my knee, ow

Y/N - Do you need help with anything?

? - Yes please, if you can, my house is just down the street, just a couple minutes away, do you mind bringing me there?

She was wearing a facemask as she looked up at me. But her eyes, her eyes were beautiful as crystals, as if her cries would be of diamond. But I feel like I know her already

I stare at her and admire the beauty within but it makes me zone out for a bit vaguely remembering someone from the past,

? - hey, you okay?.

I snapped out of it as I shook my head

Y/N - I'm okay don't worry

I helped her up and I put her on my shoulders as she giggled

Y/N - Here, I'll bring you back to your place, alright?.

She nods and we head onwards.

? - thank you.

We walk for a while as we talked

Y/N - If I could miss, do you think I can help you clean up your knee at your place?

? - Sure but i have to tell my unnies, that someones coming over

Y/N - So, what's a girl like you doing on the street like that?

? - oh, I was running to rush to my house so I can catch my unnie's birthday hehe

Y/N - Oh, so how old are you? Out of curiosity?

? - I'm nineteen. you?

Y/N - Oh im 20 haha, So I guess I'm your oppa then?

? - Thank you then oppa, for helping me

She seems familiar now that I keep thinking about her eyes, just like that one time

"He must be the same bodyguard from last year. He's the one that reminds me of Y/N"

The quiet girl thought to herself as she rode on his back as he carried her

We reach her place and it's a small two story house guarded by a gate as I opened it as I walked up to the front door as I slowly let her down

? - I'll just knock on the door really quick

Mina knocks on the door, and someone opens the door.


a girl who who has big eyes like someone I remembered a year back hugs her

Wait. it's THE big eyes looking girl from Twice? The one I bodyguarded for?

Hello again (Twice x male Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now