chapter 14 - heaven

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The girls swarmed into Y/N's hospital room as they all pushed Jinyoung and Sadness out of their way


The girls cried out as they swarmed his side


The girls cried and screamed out louder as the hospital hallways echoed throughout


Mina, Somi and Chae held onto him as his heart rate started to flatline as doctors came rushing into the room with stretchers

The girls held each other and cried as Y/N was dying in front of them


Mina screamed as doctors pulled her off, as Chae and Somi hugged each other as the doctors held the screaming, crying Mina as they pushed Y/N towards the operation room

The doctors injected Mina with a sedative to calm her down, the girls never saw Mina like this as she fell asleep in the doctor's arm

Jinyoung talked to the doctor carrying Mina to the waiting bench outside

JYP - Will he live? doctor?

Jinyoung said to the doctor keeping a stoic yet eyes full of hurt face

Doctor - We don't know.

The doctor walked away running towards the operation room joining the other surgeons

The room echoed of cries of the girls as Y/N's life was in the hands of life and death itself


Daybreak came and the doctors came into the waiting room where the sleeping girls were with Jinyoung and Sadness who were still awake awaiting for the result

Tzuyu woke up from the loud steps of the doctor, rubbing her swollen eyes

Tzuyu got up as did Jinyoung and Sadness ready to hear the results

Doctor - The patient, he has..............

Tzuyu anticipated for the worst as the doctor took off his surgical mask

Doctor - Lived. He can be out today, but he will need crutches to walk for the time being, and prescription of pain killers for the deep wound he sustained in his stomach


the three screamed out as Tzuyu hugged Sadness and Jinyoung

The girls woke up to the sound of the three immediately sitting up

"What happened?!?!" The girls shouted

Tzuyu - HE'S ALIVE!!!

Tzuyu screamed as she hugged Chaeyoung

The girls couldn't believe it, Y/N made it.

Their husband was alive and they were ecstatic as they cried tears of joy hugging each other like there was no tomorrow


Y/N woke up to see the 10 girls surrounding him

Y/N - Is this heaven?

The girls quickly hugged him, happy that he lived after he scared them with a near death experience

Y/N started to cough as the girls broke off

Y/N - Woah girls calm down, I just got stabbed!

Y/N jokes but Mina and Somi slap him with the two taking turns leaving Y/N shocked and the girls too

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