chapter 13 - last stand

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Today was D-day, October 19th

The girls have already decided to not go through with their contract renewals and to JYP's visible sadness, he agreed, so he set up their last concert which was going to be set the day of the contract renewals.

Y/N was running around the venue which was gonna be held in Seoul Olympic Stadium with only the thought of tonight running through his head, tonight was the night he was going to end it all.

Sadness - Y/N! Can you check on the girls in the green room please?

Sadness said to Y/N as he was stopped by her

Y/N - Sure, of course noona

Y/N headed over to the green room where he was greeted by the girls and Somi

Y/N - Hey girls, all set?

The girls cheered as Chae came over to hug him

Y/N - Hey my cub

Chae - Hey Jagi

Chae nuzzled her face onto him as the girls smiled at the sight

Y/N - Are you girls ready for tomorrow?

The girls suddenly had faces of sadness as they looked down

Nayeon - Yeah we are.

Nayeon said as she played with her nails as she looked sad

Y/N - Girls, please, don't worry about me, okay? I'm a strong guy!

Y/N laughed to cheer them up, the girls looked at him with a small smile until his phone vibrated, he took his phone out to see a text


Get here by 1900 hours, we're out at 2000 hours, see you then

It was from General Yoo, Y/N showed a face of distress for a second but continued on smiling

Mina - What was that jagi?

Y/N - Nothing nothing, just I thought we lost our reservation with the amusement park

Y/N realised what he said as it was a secret from them, he covers his mouth, cursing himself as it was the only way to cheer them up


Sana shouted standing up

Y/N - Surprise?

Y/N says awkwardly as the girls mood suddenly turn happy as he just shrugs

The girls cheer and hug each other as Y/N finally get himself together

Sadness - Actually, we're leaving here now

Sadness came in the room, with him winking at her


Sadness smiled as the girls looked at each other with excitement

Sadness - Y/N noticed you girls weren't yourselves lately so, we talked to your PD-nim to get you out so we organised this together

Y/N - Well, let's get going shall we?

Y/N clapped his hands as they headed out the venue and into their car

They headed towards the park where Dubu,Momo,Nayeon and Mina were a bit scared since they had a history of amusement parks, they cheered up since Y/N was there to protect them

Getting inside they, went on the more calmer rides but Dubu did not stop screaming same with Momo as the pair were with each other

Y/N was with Chae and the two had a fuck ton of fun screaming of happiness as most of the girls were too

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