chapter 15 - home

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I stand in the dark hallway that is my home.

"Honey I'm home!" but I get no response back, she must still be out.

I walk through the surrounded by framed pictures of me and my wife, I walk through the hallway, I reminisce about when we first re-met all those years ago.

"Heh, man that was too long ago"

I smiled looking back at the memories

As I walked into the living room greeted by the rest of my wives


13 of my kids came up to me and hugged me

"Man, Jesus I really went all out with these kids"

I thought to myself

I looked up to see 10 girls including the wife I thought went out

Y/N - Sharon! I thought you went out!

I smiled as I escorted the kids back to their moms

"we were waiting for you papa!"

my daughter came to hug me from her arms

My wives gave me a kiss as they all asked me how was my day

Y/N - Jeez guys, I'm telling you, the ITZY girls really have grown up!

I laid in between some of them on the couch as they watched TV with the kids

Jihyo - Really how are they?

Jihyo kissed me on the cheek cuddling up next to me

Y/N - Yuna. I swear you won't even recognise, she's so grown up and mature now

Dubu - Really?

Y/N - Yeah! Even Chaer and Yeji started to manage the rookies! They looked hella scary too!

The girls stood there shocked at the news of their once maknaes all grown up

Aurora - When's aunt Yuna and Ryujin going to come by soon?

My daughter Aurora said to me

Y/N - Sweetie, I don't know yet, but you can ask your mommy Jeong, I think she knows

I held her in my arms as she cutely smiled as I looked at her, she really looked like me. well maybe the eyes, and probably her nose? but her more cute features? definitely came from her mother

Jeong - I think Tuesday?

Y/N - So how was your girl's day?

I ask them all

Momo - Really need to get Kotaro a car or something, he kept going into the box asking for us to drive him around in it!

Momo laughs as I looked at Kotaro who was playing with my other son Kenchi

Sana - No seriously as well, Shinji kept looking at your old skateboards hanging over there

Sana smiled at me as she pointed at my old boards handing up on the walls too high for Kenchi to even reach

Y/N - Chewy sweetheart, what about you?

Tzuyu - Lian wouldn't stop crying for her papa, so I dressed up like you to cheer her up!

The girls laughed as Tzuyu really dressed like me earlier to cheer up Lian as she showed me pictures from her phone

Chae - Jung-hee wouldn't stop playing with our switches I swear!

Chae said as she held Jung-hee in her arms

Dubu - Nuh uh Tae wouldn't either!

Dubu said as Tae crawled all over her head as she tried to get him down

Y/N - Jeong, what about you?

Jeong - Listen the twins would not stop fighting at all, so I had to dress up as a chef just like dad so they would stop

The girls laughed as Jeong baked a pie for them as she was in full chef uniform and all

Y/N - Ji?

Jihyo - Ah, little Suzy here wouldn't stop asking about her dad looked like when he was younger so I showed him old photos of you when you used to manage us

I blushed red as there was some pretty funny embarrassing ones

Y/N - Did you show her me when I flew off the jet-ski?


the girls laughed as I gave Ji a smile

Y/N - Nayeonnie?

Nayeon - Listen! I caught Hana playing in the garden looking for carrots! I swear!

The girls laughed as their daughter was really like Nayeon herself

Y/N - Som?

Somi - Gotta say, I'm just saying Lorri is an actual dancing machine just like Momo, like when Momo was practising back in the studio, Lorri started to dance along, I'm serious!

The girls laughed as Lorri was exactly like Momo.

Y/N - Now where's Elizabeth?

Elizabeth popped out from behind me

Y/N - There you are, you little rascal!"

I grabbed her and started tickling her as she cutely laughed 

Elizabeth - Papa hahah!

She laughed as the girls smiled warmly at me as I looked up at them

He held Elizabeth and Areum in his arms as he looked at the girls

Y/N - Good to be back home huh?

I smiled at the girls I finally had my perfect life with

"Welcome home Y/N"

The girls said as they laughed and shared a heartwarming moment with their family.

Y/N and the girls finally got their happy ending, they got the house Y/N said he would build, and there they were, finally with each other.

As the ocean waves crashed against each other, laughing could be heard from the house, as they all finally lived out the rest of their lives, happy with each other.


(Author's note: Didn't expect me to finish it so quickly huh? Guess I tricked you guys.

Thank you all for sticking around, This was my first ever story I ever made. What was a silly little idea I wrote on a piece of paper became a reality, it's hard to think that I would end it but I never really was a good writer to me anyways. I just wanted to say I love you all, I know it was a bit of a hard read sometimes or sometimes the writing sucked, but at least you read it, and that's what matters to me, I don't really care about the views or whether it was popular or not. I was allowed to write my thoughts, my story down on a keyboard and just, wrote so thank you.

I love you guys, thanks for sticking around, stay safe and remember, be kind.


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