Chapter 2 - Uh guys?

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As we sat on the couch, watching a kdrama with the girls around me, a thought came to my head all of a sudden which I completely forgot about to be honest.

Y/N - girls?

Everyone - yeah?

They look at me with synchronised heads as I sat up

Y/N - If I'm your manager now, then don't I have to meet your PD-nim?

Jihyo - oh yeah. Forgot about that

They laugh about it as I look around for a clock, and it's only 8am right now.

Y/N - are you guys free?

Jeong - yup. why?

Everyone is too focused on the tv except me, so I come up with an idea to go over to JYP and meet their PD-nim, get all the details and such about my job, go to my apartment which will now forever be empty unless I get fired and such, and well, pack up and move in here which the contract states.

Y/N - Sooooooo, girls. Anyone wanna come to JYP with me and then to my apartment?

They all look up with excitement in their eyes when I realised they want to see where I live as I stood up realising what I got to do as they all suddenly put up their hands

"Goddammit" I say under my breath.

Y/N - Alright you can all go, just wear your disguises or something to cover up, I don't know much about the idol world except you guys, so please, don't make me get lost in the building

Everyone cheers for no apparent reason but are excited at the fact that they want to see what my apartment looks like on the inside.

Jihyo switches the TV off, and announces,

Jihyo - Alright girls! Everyone get ready and meet back here in 30 mins!

Y/N - Isn't that very little time?

Jihyo - Nope! We're idols, we're used to getting ready fast

She gives me a peck as she giggles to herself as I look around

Everyone stares at her until she just pinches the bridge of her nose as she shouts


Every girl immediately scrambles as they get up including Jihyo upstairs to their rooms, whereas I was left downstairs, with my half empty mug of coffee, and a whole lot of patience.

I take another sip from my mug as I sigh.

Just gonna, awkwardly sit here since I don't really wanna use my phone right now.


After heavily lazing around on the couch after putting my mug away in the sink and washing it. They all finally come downstairs where I'm treated to the most wholesome thing I have ever seen, 9 girls in sweatpants and baggy ass t-shirts. And man, it is a cute sight to see.

Half the girls are wearing sunglasses because to be fair, it has been pretty warm lately in Korea, but Nayeon?

A bunny hat, which I find pretty cute if you ask me.

Y/N - Woah girls

They were just so pretty, and cute. Pretty cute combined that it made me blush. Despite seeing them a year back, their beauty just always astonished me.

Momo - well, what do you think?

Momo poses as they laughed at her antic

Y/N - you gi- girls look, w- well-

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