Chapter 5 - care

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After Somi spends the morning with the girls and Y/N, we pick off where Jihyo and Y/N get ready to go out for some time together. The girls have an internal system of who gets to spend the day with Y/N, and today was Jihyo's turn.

Y/N puts on his shoes, and walks over to the couch to kiss Mina and the remaining girls

Y/N pats Somi's back as he kisses her

Y/N - hey I'll be right back okay?

Somi - okay. I'll miss you.

Y/N - hehe

Somi wraps her arms around Y/N as the girls click their tongues, especially Sana who was a bit pouty today.

Sana - it was so easy of you to forgive her.

Y/N - come on Sana, we apologised, it's fine.

Sana just pouts as I let go of Somi as I walk over to the pouting squirrel, I squatted down as she looks away as I brushed her hair to the side

Y/N - hey. I love you.

I smile as she finally breaks as she suddenly hugs me

Sana - I love you too.

She kisses me as I look at the girls.

Y/N - we'll get going now okay?

Everyone - okay!

Sana lets go of me as I go up to Jihyo as she wraps her arm around me as she smiled as we waved at the girls

Y/N - Alright kids and wife, we'll get going now, we'll be back in a bit alright, see you guys later!

The girls wave bye to us as we headed out the door

Jihyo - bye kiddos!

Jihyo waves back to them as we both enter the outside, sunny and bright.

She kisses me on the cheek as I look at her smiling.

Y/N - got your mask with you?

Jihyo - Of course, always

Y/N - well, let's go then

We both smiled at each other as she kissed me before heading on to wherever Jihyo wanted to go.


Y/N and Jihyo are currently at the mall where they look around, buying food and snacks for each other like a couple, they hold hands around the mall where they share laughs and intimate sweet moments with each other. It was just them, to Jihyo, Y/N meant everything to her. In the few months she has known Y/N, he has done nothing but help and support her in every way possible, even when she needed help for anything, he was there. As the leader of Twice, there was always so much pressure on her to do the best and right thing for her members but Y/N was there as her comfort whenever that pressure got to her. Of course, she holds Y/N in a special place in her heart, as a friend, as a lover and importantly, as someone who she cares about.

They spend some time together buying clothes for Y/N b because once again, the girls already get clothes from their sponsors, a reluctant Y/N tries to deny the request but the eyes of the leader who holds the most power even towards Y/N, makes Y/N fold and let's the childish at times yet mature leader buy clothes for Y/N to where he holds her hand and smiles as she lights up trying to find clothes that suited him.

After an ecstatic Jihyo happy having bought cute clothes for her Y/N, Y/N smiles at the ground knowing that if she's happy, he's happy because of how cute she could be for the mature leader.

They walk down the streets where they come across a flower shop, Y/N wanting to make Jihyo more happier, an idea lights up in his head.

Y/N - Oh, shit Mina told me to get her some flowers, I'll be right back

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