chapter 9 - break (pt 3)

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5 days have passed inside the beach house as the group spent their vacation there

Fun times happened, they would party into the night, and go out onto the beach during the day, Y/N would do crazy shenanigans with the girls such as going on a jetski with each member and of course Y/N would be the one to drive it. Sometimes Mina or Somi would go out to the local town nearby going on dates or to go sightseeing, the other girls would too but with Y/N to protect them, their days would be filled with nothing but joy as they all enjoyed their time there until today, obviously they had 2 days left but something tragic would soon encounter, who's to know? Would it be for Y/N, one of the girls? We'll just have to see

Y/N feels a nudge on his leg which wakes him up, Y/N slowly opens his eyes and pulls himself up, he looks around on the bed which was quite a mess, all 10 girls were scattered around the bed and only 2 on them were sleeping soundly in a comfortable position which obviously was Mina on one side but the other occupied with a different member.

Tzuyu, who was sleeping soundly on his chest held onto him which was quite unusually since the maknae wasn't as clingy as the other girls but Y/N shrugged it off and decided to look at the ceilings thinking of his thoughts while some feeling in his gut made him feel uneasy about something, it felt like something bad was gonna happen today but once again he shrugged it off as he laid thinking about the day ahead of him with the girls, after some time, he realised he needs to make breakfast for them so he slowly takes off Tzuyu who reacts by facing the other way where she hugs Dubu.

Y/N heads downstairs to the kitchen making food for the girls and himself while he admires the sunrise putting a smile on his face.

Time passes and breakfast was already made as he single handedly thinks to himself about spiralling thoughts of his gut instinct earlier

"Man what the fuck is going on me with right now?"

He thinks to himself as he sets up the table with the food and utensils, after he finishes up, he sits on the couch as he watches the girls music videos from their debut era

"Damn they look like kids here, time passes by huh"

He thinks to himself again as he hums their songs, till he hears someone from upstairs wake up, he faces his head towards the stairs to see who was walking down

Somi - morning babe.

As none other than Somi yawns as she heads towards Y/N, sitting down beside him on the couch putting her head on his shoulder

Y/N - Morning Somi, how was the sleep?

Somi - Dreadful, after last night? I'm surprised you could take us all at the same time, like 10 girls at the same time? Like how did you manage to fuck us for that long and make us cum like how?!?!?

Y/N - I don't know

Y/N smiles as he shrugs as he watches on his phone, not really having an answer to how he actually managed to fuck all of the girls who were all drunk and horny for him except for Somi and Y/N himself

Somi - Oh I remember this. I was like 14 at the time, and I remember seeing them debut and was just, astonished at them"

Somi smiles as she watches along with Y/N

Y/N - Good thing we layed off the alcohol last night huh?

Somi - Yeah, or else you wouldn't had managed to fuck them and me

Y/N - Nuh uh, you know that I can stay sober enough drunk sex

Somi - Oh yeah? You remember last time when you were about to cum and you literally fell asleep on top of me?

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