Chapter 6 - comeback

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Instructor - Alright girls let's go for a break, take 10 and I'll be back

The girls all dropped to their butts and panted, as they all gained their breath back as their instructor left the room. On the other hand was a running Y/N across the JYP halls carrying water for the OT9, where he bumps into a familiar person that he calls a friend, Y/N drops the water bottles and the person he bumped into helps him pick it back up, where he connects eyes with the person.

Y/N - oh shit! Jae?!?

Jae -OH SHIT! Y/N!

They hug each other like bros as they jump up and down, as it's been a year since they saw each other since the last time was Y/N's surprise birthday party.

Y/N - hey man how have you been?

Y/N gets given the rest of the bottles as they both stood by the wall letting other employees pass through as they talked

Jae - great! Preparing some stuff for the tour and stuff, how about you? Whatcha doing here especially with those water battles?

Y/N - Oh, I'm Twice's new manager!

Jae - oh seriously?!? Oh man, I'm gonna see you more now!

They exchange hugs again as they looked at each other

Y/N - we should hang out like always

Jae - of course

They both smile as they talked in English which was more comfortable for the both of them

Y/N - how's Brian? And the rest?

Jae - oh you know them, the usual. They never change haha

They both laugh as Y/N's phone vibrates indicating he's gotta go since it's starting to blow up with notifications from the girls.

Y/N - oh shit I gotta go

They exchange a dap together which perfectly resonates throughout the hallway as they wink at each other

But suddenly Jae cuts him off by talking before Y/N could turn around

Jae - actually Y/N!

Y/N turns around as he faces Jae as he suddenly hears running behind him

Jae - could you actually lik-

Chae immediately gets jumped on by Chae as she laughs manically as Y/N gets surprised cutting Jae off from what he was gonna say


Luckily no one was around as Jae laughs as Y/N looks at Jae as Chae pulls on his hair

Y/N - I gotta go sorry!

Jae - it's all right!

They wave at each other as Chae just continues on to fuck with Y/N as he brings the both of them back to the practice room


The cub and Y/N get inside where the girls greet Y/N instead of being annoyed and hangry

Jihyo - hey where were you?

Y/N gives the girls water bottles as they all began to drink some as Chae just ruffles his hair as she laughed

Y/N - ran into Jae.

Y/N grabs the cub from behind him as he puts her on his chest as she wraps around his chest with her small legs as she began sucking on his neck

Dubu - Jae Park? As the Jae from Day6?

Y/N - mmmhm

Momo - in a world where Y/N was an idol!

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