chapter 10- having to let go

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"Honey! Honey! Wake up!"

Y/N wakes up in a cold sweat as he jolts his body forward as he pants panicking looking around

Mina - Hey hey it's me it's okay

Mina hugs Y/N as he slowly calms down

Y/N - Sharon?

He asks Mina as he looks at his terrified partner as she holds him close

Y/N - What happened?

He asks not remembering what just happened a second ago

Mina - You started talking in your sleep and all of a sudden you started shouting, which scared me

Y/N - Fuck, i'm sorry, just I was having a bad dream

Y/N hugs Mina as she calms down as well having been a bit startled

Mina - What happened?

Sharon asks as she faces him holding his face

He looks at her eyes as he lovingly stares at her to assure that he was fine

Y/N - Just, memories came back from that time we were at that convenience store, and I got beat up and having to watch you be held in place watching me get, fucked up by those shitheads, and then remembering when mom cried and held my head as I was wheeled through the ER, and having to see mom's face just- just-

Y/N suddenly held his eyes shut with his fingers and took a deep breath looking at Mina again as he held his hand against her cheek

Y/N - Fuck, I just can't believe that she's gone, I didn't get to say goodbye Sharon, and the last thing she told me was to take care of you, just I can't afford to lose you again

Mina sat there with a sad face as she listened to Y/N, she truly felt so guilty for leaving him when they were young and she still does till this day, having heard and seen what Y/N had went through all these years really made her care about him than he does for himself

Y/N would slowly let tears out as he cried, having to deal with the grief for his mother as Mina held him caressing his back, she promised she would be there for him in any way and she was going to do it even if it meant losing her career, she would do it for the man she loves the most in the world other than the girls.

Morning came in the L/N household as Y/N's dad knocked on the door of his bedroom, letting himself inside to personally wake Y/N and Mina up

Dad - Ohayo Kodomo (good morning kids)

Mr L/N patted Y/N's back softly as he held Mina lying on his side

Y/N took note of his father's voice and opened his eyes

Y/N - Ohayo otou-san *yawns*

A tired Y/N groggily speaks as his father went outside his door having successfully done his job, his father was a positive person even personally waking up his son in heartwarming ways so he could have a good morning since he could walk

He smiles at his son who smiles back waving at his father, Y/N looks to his side to see a still sleeping Mina to which his smile becomes even bigger

"She's so beautiful man"

He thinks to himself as he blushes and holds his face containing his red face as he thinks about his beautiful princess right before him

Soon Mina wakes up after Y/N just shyly covers his face of his blushing not holding in his sounds of happiness

Mina - Jagi?

Mina opens her eyes to see the now embarrassed Y/N who thinks he was caught

Mina - Good morning sweetheart~

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