Chapter 3 - A normal day

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I wake up yawning, Sharon in my arms as I look around. I stretch my arms as I look at my beautiful penguin

Y/N - She still sleeps like a princess after all these years huh

I then look around my new yet messy room in their house as I got up, just shuffling myself out of her arms as I kiss her on the forehead before putting on some clothes and heading to the bathroom

After quickly washing up and heading back to my room, I checked my phone noticing it was only 7am, which felt a little too early for the girls to be waking up at this hour especially on a break.

I sat on the edge of the bed as I put my fingers in her hair caressing it back and forth wondering what to do now.

Y/N - hm....

"One, tidy up this room while Sharon is still asleep, two, make an excellent breakfast for the girls, and hang out with them, three, work on some music and then, four. No fucking clue for four but fuck it"

After thinking it through, I kiss her again on the forehead as I begin to clean and organise my room since I haven't taken everything out. For almost 2 hours, I put my clothes in the closet, my toothbrush in the bathroom beside the room. Put Lorri and Elizabeth on the bed beside the still sleeping Sharon, put my guitars beside the desk as I put my laptop on it alongside my audio interface and my Ghostface figure that I got.

After putting everything into place except for Mina's scattered clothes on the floor, I decided to leave a surprise for her and the girls where I leave for the kitchen downstairs to make food.

And so, I head downstairs to the kitchen making a big breakfast for the girls, and after some time, the girls start heading downstairs one by one with Chae coming down the stairs first,


the baby beast latches onto me smiling, first thing in the morning she sees is me

Y/N - Morning chaengie

I reply back with a smile, she holds onto me like a koala, carrying her around as I load up the plates for the girls.

Chae - god I always wanted to do this since we met

Y/N - really?

Chae - when I saw you in your suit. My god, had me kind of wet actually.

Y/N - woah.

Chae - hey. It's not my fault she took you all for herself

Y/N - well, now you got it right?

Chae - hehe.

She kisses me on the cheek

"morning Y/N"

were heard from every girl as they smile at the sight of Chae clinging onto me with even Jeong and Dahyun laughing

Lastly the princess comes downstairs herself, my eyes immediately locks onto her beautiful aura that she has as she walks down the stairs, she looks at me and gives me her gummy smile

Mina - *yawns* Morning Jagi~


the girls all shout out looking at Mina including Chae

Mina smirks at this and gives Y/N a long kiss on the lips with Chae still on Y/N

Y/N - morning sweetheart

As we break off from the kiss as she made it to her seat

Chae - can I get one too?

I lower down and give Chae a small kiss as intended but she grabs my head and goes in for a makeout with me, it goes on for longer than intended with me not fighting back

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