NaiMia | Sweater

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"Naim nak pergi mlm ni?" Idah ask her son while he was opening the main door. Naim didn't answer to it. He looks at his mother and back to the door.

Idah get off from the chair and walks towards to the boy holding his wrist. Naim turn to her "Mama tanya ni! Naim nak pergi mana?!"

"Naim dah besar,ank jantan. Itu tak cukup ke untuk mama?" Idah hand loosen up from holding his wrist. And let Naim go without stopping him.

Her heart drop,did she exaggeration to Naim to much?. She shouldn't enraged to Naim suddenly that morning,telling her problem to him.

Naim might think he was a problem here. Idah shouldn't let her stress and anger to him.

She always remember Naim how sweet he was before when he was little. But now she don't recognize him anymore,he change alot.

It's start to raining that night,make Idah even worried. "Harap Naim selamat..."


A loud knock from the steel door make Mia almost bump her head while fixing under the car.

"Siapa pulak yg dtg memlm buta ni sial?!" she mumbling while opening the steel door.

Mia surprise, it was Naim standing in front of her, soaked wet cause of the rain. Naim make a thin smile to her. "Weihh,Naim! Kau buat apa kat sini?!"

She pull the boy inside and close back the door. Naim just standing behind her,when Mia turns she knew something going on with him.

"Hei kau kenapa ni? Bahaya tau tak dahlah hujan kat luar tu! Kalau apa² jadikan-" Naim didn't respond to her.
He broke into tears suddenly, Mia panicky hold both of Naim arms.

Mia hug the broken boy, rubbing his back comforting him. "Aku takkan pernah cukup untuk mama, apa kurangnya aku Mia?" says him,drown in his sobbing. But Mia still can hear it clearly.


Mia hang Naim wet clothes maybe it won't dry before he have to go back home. So she give her sweater to him for awhile.

Mia sit next to Naim "Naim apa jd ni?" she ask him softly. Don't want to make his mind stress out.

She notices he's hands was shaking not only that she also saw a bruise on his body. "Kau gaduh ke dgn kwn kau?" Naim nods. He think Mia already saw the bruise, slowly he zip up the sweater.

"Biasalah,anak jantan kan?" tried not to make Mia worried abt it. "Ha yelah. Mmg tu ayt yg boleh lps segala dosa korang nanti ye?" say her,she pinch Naim shoulder.

"Aduh! Sakit ah kau ni!" Naim rub his shoulder quickly. "Sakit an? Rasakan!"
Mia laugh at Naim.

"Eh kejap" Mia cares Naim chin,making him facing her. A small bruise under his lips "Teruk jugak dia tumbuk kau...Kau ckp tak boleh main muka! Dah ni asal?!"

Naim slowly get off Mia hand from his jaw. He sighed,he look everywhere except her for a moment. "Kapla kene gantung sekolah,yg belasah aku un anak Kelanai" explain him.

"Ni yg pasal,ouh ok aku paham" she understands. That day when Naim having a fight with other boy,who as know as "predator". Naim already explain to her that day.

"Tapi mamat sial tu dah kat penjara so mmg padan ah dgn muka dia!" Mia grinned.

Naim nods,he chuckled. He lean his head on Mia shoulder,both of them spend telling each other's story untill the rain stops.


Mia's car stop in front of Naim house. Naim unbuckle the seat belt and look at Mia. "Kau usha apa?" Mia feel weird everytime he look at her like that.

"Uh, sweater kau ni?" ask him. "Kau pakailah dulu,dah basuh baru bagi aku ye"

"Kalau taknak basuh,aku boleh amik lah kan?" he teased Mia. She roll her eyes around "Dah blah ah,kang lama² risau org nampak" she push Naim face,he laugh.

After he get out from the car, waiting untill Mia car leave lost from his sight.

Naim open the door he saw his father sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. "Assalamualaikum,lama dah ke ayah balik?"

"Waalaikumussalam,tak delah ayah baru jek balik. Ni abang dari mana tadi?" ask Harun,he works at office so mostly he always going back home late.

"Rumah kawan" short respond. "Baju Naim ke?" he saw Naim carrying clothes with him.
"Haah,tadi hujan jd baju basah. Kwn bagi pinjam sweater dia" explain Naim.


After having a quick bath he bought his clothes downstairs to wash them.

He put all of his dirty clothes in the washing machine,he look at Mia sweater. He smell it,yep smell like Mia's perfume alr.

He go upstairs back with her sweater, he close the door. And leaned into it.

"Ni kalau Mia tau ni,dia mesti aku ckp aku dah gile" he chuckled to him self being clingy to it.


Luckyyyynash notes :

I know this is kinda creepy it's like a yandere AU tbh. But bro i fucking enjoy writing this sheet-

Clingy BF with cold-hearted GF aww shit.

☆ Now Spotify playing : Cigarettes Daydreams - Cage the Elephant ☆

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