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While Aizat, Hilmi and Botol change their clothes, Aida and Jaja brought Naim to their school field.

"Wow" Naim was amazed by their school field, it's like a mini stadium.

"Kau mcm tak pernah nampak padang jek Naim" Jaja laugh at his reaction, he chuckle "Takdelah besar jugak padang korang ni, mcm stadium pun ada"

Since they've come too earlier, some of the students still warming up before the game starts, same as SSG students that involve for today match.

"Asal korang ckp diorang ni musuh pengetua korang?" Naim curious "Entahlah Naim, kitaorang nampak P. Awang dgn Puan Rokiah tu mcm enemy dah. So layan jeklah"

Naim frowned "Maksudnya?"

"Sekolah STIA dgn SSG ni sama taraflah senang kata, lagi² bile terlibat dgn game. Mmg P. Awang tak nak bagi chance lah kat diorang"

"Ohhh" short respon, he understands. It's like High Council but different.

Jaja then take out a cheering signboard "Amacam cantik an? Me and the girls make this last night" totally worth it!

Naim cooed "Uish siap ada support sistem ek" Aida chuckled "Biasalah Naim, kat sekolah ni Aizat tu kapten, jadi tak heranlah kalau student perempuan tergile - gile dekat dia"

"Oh, ah tadi aku ada nampak muka korang kat frame. Apa tu?"

"Tu form 5 yg top, paling top score masa trial SPM. Kitaorang lah!" Jaja said it proudly.

"Padanlah sekolah korang top, mcm² korang punya program yg next level betul" Naim surprise by their school sistem.

"Jaja!" a Chinese girl; Tai Ying and a few other girls behind her runs to Jaja.

"Girls! Tak sabar kan nak tengok Aizat menangkan game ni!" Jaja is the most excited person to see Aizat, since she had a biggest crush on him.

"Of course lah! Eh jom duduk kat bahagian depan!" said the other girl.

"Ha ok! Eh Korang aku duduk dgn diorang ok" Jaja showing her thumbs up, if they ok with it.

Aida make an okay sign to her "Pergilah"

"Ha tu diorang baru sampai" Naim pointed at the boys they were walking towards to both of them.

"Naim kau tak nak join sekali ke?" asked Hilmi "Ish kau ni Hilmi, dia tetamu bukan player tambahan!" Botol smack Hilmi back.

"Alah aku gurau jeklah, apa salahnya kan?"
Hilmi laugh along with the others.

"Kalau kau paksa sekali pun aku takkan terima, aku tak reti main rugby" Naim actually not a fan of rugby, but he does like playing soccer instead.

Coach blow up his whistle "15 minutes before we start! Buat warm up semua!"

"Alright ciao lu" the boys then gather in the middle of the field.

"Aku nampak korang ni, mcm dah satu family" Naim lean back to his seat, crossing his arm.

Aida look at Naim for awhile, she smile "Kau nak tau tak sbb apa?" Naim look at her back, waiting for the answer.

"STIA sounds more like SETIA. Daripada awal form 1, Hilmi Zulkarnain dia yg namakan batch kitaorang sebagai Ohana 9903, dan start drp tu kitaorang janji akn setia dgn sesama sendiri"

"Kitaorang hadap bende ni sama², buat sama², apa nak jadi kene pengang moto tu kuat². Setia"

Aida look at Jaja from distance, she only closer to the gangs only. If it not because of Hilmi, she might not having a friend's at all.

"Sorrylah kalau aku ckp ni, tapi kau lain dowh Aida. I mean...kau ok?" he realizes, Aida not a person like Jaja and others.

Aida take a deep breath and she let it out slowly "Ok"

"You sure, cause i think you not"

"Aku mmg lain Naim, aku bukan jenis yg suka lepak. Aku suka duduk sorang² better spend time with reading books, lagi² dah nak SPM kan"

"Tapi aku kesian kat Jaja, jadi kalau aku keluar dari dorm or tempat usually aku biasa lepak. Aku buat untuk Jaja"

She did it just for Jaja, her beloved step sister.

"Kau? Mcmana kau terdetik nak masuk KUDRAT?" now it's Aida turns to ask him.

"Uhh-aku, sebab...sebab"

"Woi! Kau ni apasal?!" Aizat walk towards to SSG student, who "accidentally" throw rugby ball that almost hit Botol head.

"Opss! Sorrylah saje nak warm up kan?" he grin, make Aizat even more furious.

From the distance they're being watched by a group of teachers "Oh my! It's almost hit one of your student Awang" Puan Faniza was shocked.

Awang look at Puan Rokiah, who was sitting on the chair for the teacher who wants to watch the game.

"Kenapa P. Awang? Biasalah mereka kan anak² jantan, awak tak perlu risau pun" she grin.

P. Awang huffed, he so done with her.

The fight between them is getting interesting, Naim didn't feel good abt it. He then get up, runs to them.

"Naim kau nak pergi mana?!" Aida startled by his action suddenly.

"Eh kau mmg sengaja kan?! Kau jujur jeklah!" Aizat doesn't like when someone is messing up with his friends, especially Botol.

Naim broke the fight between them "Dahlah geng, takkan nak gaduh. Korang kan ada game kejap lagi"

SSG student look up and down to Naim "Kau siapa, oh budak KUDRAT?!" he then chuckled.

Naim then frowned "Ye kenapa ada masalah ke?"

"Ye ke? Mcm lembik jek aku tengok kau ni, kenapa dgn tangan kau?" asked the other SSG student.

Aizat could take it anymore "Eih kau ni kan!" Naim hold Aizat hand before he could hit the student.

"We need to do something" Puan Hajar looked at the others teacher "Don't have to actually" Puan Faniza grin.

"What do you mean don't?" P. Awang confused by her words.

"Trust me, i know something special abt Naim"

"Asal kau halang? Kau takut ke sial" the boy try to punch Naim. But he manage to dodge it before he could.

He then use his silat tricks suddenly, grabbing his hand he make the student fall to the ground.

Aizat who was very closer to him surprise, what just happened? It's take three seconds!

"Ok what just happen?!" Puan Hajar and the others also shocked.

Puan Fanizah chuckle "I knew dia akan bukak silat suddenly"

Aizat still stunt "Mcmana kau-"

Naim helps the student stand up "Dah, kata nak main game, dah lebih 15 minit dah ni" he pats on Aizat shoulder, checking if he's okay.

Aizat nods, Naim then go back sitting next to Aida.

"Apa bende tadi tu weih?" Aida was very,very amazed.

Naim chuckle "Silat lah"


Luckyyyynash note :

Alright that it's! Aku dah kemiskinan idea nak sambung bende ni HAHAHAHHA

Siapa² nak sambung or take this as inspiration, saya izinkan anda okeh!

Dah bai esk sekolah keje tak buat lagi MUAHAHAHHA

Otak aku dah tak betul sebenarnya ni:")

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