Fakhri | Luka

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"Kau ni lembik lah Fakhri!" a boy who same age as Fakhri ( 8 ), push him until he falls
to the ground .

Fakhri was surrounded by 3 bullies, they've been bullying him since the first grade. And he never tell anyone about this except someone.

Fakhri never did or do anything to them, he never makes trouble at school. Suddenly he just becomes a bully victim for no reason

Cause he promise to them, his parents.

"Korang nak apa lagi ha?! Aku tak buat apa² kat korang pun!" He stand back; facing the boy who push him.

Then the other boy laugh "Kau ni acah² jek lah Fakhri, kau tu sama jek mcm bapak kau kan? LEMBUT!" the others also laugh along.

"Woi! Kalau kau tak puas hati dgn aku, tak payah nak ungkit papa aku boleh tak!" Fakhri grip he's hand very tight, holding his anger back.

The boy clench Fakhri's uniform colar "Kau nak buat apa? Tumbuk muka aku? Dari dulu lagi kau tak pernah berani kan?" he grin, making Fakhri frustrated .

Then the other boy spit out a chewing gum from his mouth.

"Kau nak buat apa ni?!"  he look at him; disgusted.

Suddenly he put the chewing gum on Fakhri's hair "Uishh kau betul² lah ni!!" the boy frowned.

"Aku nak tengok minggu depan mesti dia botak! HAHAHAHAHA!" the bullies burst laughing, while Fakhri just pinned to the ground.


"Eh! Blah! Blah!" the bullies ran off after hearing a footsteps; someone is coming to them.

They left Fakhri behind, alone.

"Adik!" he flinched, Naim hug Fakhri "Adik ok tak ni?!" he cares Fakhri cheeks.

Fakhri eyes was full of tear's slowly falls to the ground "Abang, adik takut...adik takut" he sobbing.

Naim examine Fakhri if he hurts, thank god he wasn't got beaten or something "Takpe kite jgn ckp dgn Papa pasal ni"

"Tapi sampai bile asyik adik kene buli je..."

"Adik dah janji tak nak susahkan mama, papa. Tapi kenapa diorang benci kita sbb papa?"

Not only Fakhri, Naim also didn't understand why all their friends always make fun of their father.

Is it because Firdaus Ismet attitude, personality? For them it's normal, they can't hate someone already taking care of them for a years. Why would the others don't like it?

"Adik dahlah, janganlah nangis. Nanti kita jumpa papa lah setiap hujung minggu nanti" Naim lying next to Fakhri on the bed. Trying to comforting him.

Fakhri still crying, he wants Firdaus; his papa. He's hand was holding a family picture four of them.

"Kenapa kite kene pisah dgn Papa?, Kenapa kite kene ikut Mama?"

The younger don't understand why they have to face this "family line" issues.

Naim hug him tightly, he's head still remembering Firdaus words at court earlier.

"Abang, abang kene kuat, abang kene jaga mama, adik Fakhri. Ingat Naim, ank jantan tak nangis..." Firdaus hug both of his son's for the last time.




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