Mia | Rebels

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"Tahniah kak Mia!" Mika hug his older sister after he saw her SPM results "Haish kau ni! Malu lah aku kau tibe² peluk ni" Mia tried to push Mika away but she can't, it's to tight.

"Ish akk ni! Nak manja² pun tak boleh!" said Mika; taunting her. Mia laugh at his younger brother action "Dah, dah jomlah balik. Nanti akk masakan Nasi Ayam nak?" Mika eyes open wide "Sejak bile akk pandai main masak² ni, ha ni mesti sebab Abah kan?"

Mia roll her eyes "Nak tak? Jomlah cepat balik, kalau tak aku tinggal kan kau!" she walks off; leaving him behind.

"Akak! Oi kejaplah! Aku tak call teksi lagi!" runs to catch on Mia. Mia stop her step "Kau dtg sorang ke? Mana Abah?"

Mika huff "Biasalah keje, kat tempat DM tu"

"Ohh" Mia upset after hearing that, she score 8 A's on SPM just to make him proud. But her own father won't be able to come, Mika must've been guilty abt it, so that why he came instead.

Both of them take the cab to go back home. Mia didn't feel excited or happy abt her own achievement.

She look at her results SPM "Apa lagi yg kau rasa aku tak cukup untuk kau?" she whispered to herself.

Mika was sitting at the front seat passenger, he looked Mia from side mirror. He feel bad, so bad. Their father always spoiled Mika, but he never treats Mia equally.

After their mother died, thing's start to change slowly time by time, day by day until 4 years past. Ibu, the women that they love always be there for her children's and will never be forgetting.

"Akk ok?" Mika helps Mia take out her bag's from the cab "Hm? Ok, ok jek" she curve a bitter smile to him.

As they enter the house, Mia tell Mika she'll be in her room "Akk kalau nak apa² bagitahu Mika tau"

"Ok, akk nak rehat jap" she then close the door.

Mia look at her room, it's full grunge aesthetic. She grin "Takde sape boleh halang aku dah sekarang"

2 weeks later...

"Mika dah nak balik dah ni, akk Mia jaga diri tau"

"Ye, jgn risau pasal aku. Kau tu jaga diri kat MRSM, jangan buat hal" she then hug him before he got into the bus.

Mika wave to Mia and their father from window.

"Untung kau adik, ayah kisah jugak pasal kau"

"Mia! Kau tak nampak ke kat dlm tu ramai tgh beratur!" his father shout from DM's door, Mia side eye him "Mmg aku jugak!" she then walks in to DM.

"Hei! Kau dgr tak ni?!" he held back Mia before entering, Mia rolls her eyes "Ye abah, Mia dgr" he then let her go.

Mia didn't agree working with his father while waiting her scholarships results, after SPM she totally change. From her attitude, outfit style and everything! Mia wants to do something, something that against the law. Rebels.

But while waiting for scholarships she had to working, she need money. Pakcik Samad; who's in charge at KUDRAT DM, doesn't allow her to work far away. So he forced Mia to work with him instead. 

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