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"Who is that?"
"Mcm budak baru jek, tapi uniform dia tak samalah"
"Hensem kan dia? Hehehehe"
"Cikgu mana tu?"
"Hoi! Masuk kelas sekarang!"

"Faniza!" P. Awang open up the door after hear a few knocks, Puan Faniza curve a smile to him "Awang! It's been a long time isn't it?"

Puan Faniza and her student; that she brought along enter P. Awang's office, they looked around, the office looks nice and tidy.

"Such a nice place you had Awang" Puan Faniza impressive "Thank you, Well you know me" he chuckled.

"Assalamualaikum Tuan" Naim shake hands with the older "Waalaikumussalam, Eh! Duduklah, come and take seat, both of you"

Naim help pull the chair for Puan Faniza to seated "Thanks Naim" she whispered. Naim nod back signing as welcome.

"Terima kasih sebab hantarkan buku² tu tadi, you must've been tired" P. Awang take a sit in front of them, he then pouring a warm tea into each cup's.

"Oh don't worry about it! Lagipun student i yg banyak tolong" she looked at Naim.

It was a last minute. She had to ask Naim for help, it's a good thing that he wasn't busy after school hours.

Naim also can't let his favorite teacher do heavy works since she was pregnant, he'll be happy to help. Anytime.

Besides he can take this as a chance for a first experience going to the other school, STIA.

Another knocks interrupted their talks "Masuk!"

"Helloooooooo!!! Miss me or not?!"
"Hajar!" Puan Faniza was so happy to see her, Puan Hajar; a teacher at SMK Ayer Dalam.

Puan Hajar then hugs her "How are you and how's the baby?" she rub Puan Faniza baby bump softly "Oh we doing fine alright!" they both chuckle.

"Apa khabar Hajar?" P. Awang asked signing her to sit "Khabar baik² jer" she smile. "Dah lama tak jumpa mcmni lah kita ye, semua dah sibuk dgn hal masing²"

Puan Hajar look at Naim who was sitting next to Puan Faniza "Kejap. Who is he?" Naim was startled when she pointed to him suddenly.

"Saya pun lupa nak tanya. What's your name,boy?" Naim introduce himself "Nor Naim, Naim"

"Oh Naim! I'm very, very sorry! Kita rancak sangat borak tadi" Puan Faniza tap her forehead, Naim must've been waiting "Tak, tak pe!"

The three teacher's laughing, how can they not excited meeting each other after such along time? So much things they wanted to share about theirs life of course!

"Saya boleh tunggu kalau kita lama lagi kat sini, if you don't mind if I can go walk around here for a while?"

Puan Faniza and Naim looks at P. Awang; asking for a permission "Yeah sure! Pergilah, enjoy your experience here"

"I'll let you know kalau dah nak balik" add Puan Faniza "Ok, saya mintak izin dulu" Naim make a little bow then walk towards to the door.

"Naim,wait!" he peek's before closing the door "Behave" she give Naim a warning, he chuckled.

"I will, saya janji" raising his hand up and close the door.

"Such a sweet boy" Puan Hajar was amazed abt Naim personality.

"Just curious kenapa dgn tangan dia?" ask Pawang "Hmm? Oh biasalah sekolah anak² jantan, he tells me sbb jungle tracking but it's in the middle of the night"

"And some of the students to, sometimes they have bruise on their faces though. They said it's because of the sports and training"

Puan Faniza take a sip cup of warm tea "I don't know if it's real or not...They never tell the truth or maybe they are, we can't tell"

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