Fakhri | Masih

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What if Ismet brothers never had a menifesto.

"Kau nak apa?" Naim looked Fakhri who was standing in front of him.

Naim eyes was filled with tears, he glare to the younger with a sharp daggers. Fakhri heart was pounding so fast he couldn't looked up to him.

He tried to talk but he couldn't, his lips and tongue feels dry. Naim puff out the smoke while looking outside the window.

"A-aku...aku nak kite damai, hentikan semua ni" Fakhri stuttering.

The older gets up "Lepas apa yg kau buat..." he turned to him "Macamtu je?"

Fakhri didn't answered, he keeps his eyes on the floor.

"Kau tinggalkan aku dgn mama sorang - sorang, kau hancurkan semua! Semua janji kite!" Naim was very frustrated.

Fakhri flinched "N-Naim".

"KAU RAMPAS TEMPAT AKU KAT KUDRAT!" Naim clench his hoodie tightly, slamming him against the wall.

"KAU RAMPAS MAMA! KAU RAMPAS PAPA!" Fakhri tried to let go of Naim hands from his.

Naim cries, sobbing like he never seen before since the last time after their parents divorce.

"A-aku penat Fakhri, aku tak nak pun semua ni...ke-kenapa kau buat aku mcmni?" he stammering, his grip was a little bit weak.

He couldn't look up to the younger "Ni yg kau nak kan sial! K-kau nak orang tau aku ni...Lembut! Lemah! Macam..." Naim couldn't finished his sentence.

Fakhri pull him into hugs, he hugged the tall figure tightly, while his tears falls to Naim shoulder.

He regrets about everything he had done before, everything!

"Semua ni salah aku, aku tak patut tinggalkan kau" says him with low voice tone.

Naim shrugged, his eyes closed. He tried to free himself from the embrace.

"Aku bodoh, aku penghancur, Naim. K-kalau kau benci aku...aku lagi benci diri aku sendiri, Naim"

"F-fakhri lepaskan aku..."

"Kau nak ke kite berbunuh?" asked Fakhri.

Naim eyes filled with surprised by his question, he then remembered at the Kem Bulan Madu.

"...Kalau tak dah berbunuh dah..." Kahar words stuck on his mind.

His thoughts was mess up, this is he wants at the first. The plans was to menifesto with Fakhri so he could end himself.

"Aku dah tak larat Fakhri, a-aku" he stuttering. He push off Fakhri.

"T-tak! Tak! Kau dah hancurkan hidup aku! Hidup mama! Hidup papa!" he step back without looking at Fakhri.

"Kalau betul aku hancurkan hidup kau! Kenapa kau tak salahkan mama!"

Naim heart pounding so fast, it's hurt. He clenched his chest and start coughing harshly "J-jangan cough salahkan m-mama!"

"Naim kau ada time tu! Kau nampak sendiri mama dgn papa gaduh! Kenapa aku jugak kau salahkan?!" Fakhri ignore his tears.

He don't understand. Why would Naim want to blame on him? Is it because...he ran away?

Naim could feel his chest getting heavy, he cover his mouth while coughing.

"Naim?" Fakhri looked his brother struggling to breathe, he then came closer to him.

He wipes his tears "Naim, kau okey tak ni?" asked him in worried.

Naim raised his hand signing him to stay back. He looked his palm, blood was coming out from his mouth.

Fakhri was shocked, his voice is trembling "N-Naim?"

Naim tried to stand up straight but failed "Kau cough blah lah!"

"Kau tak nampak ke kau berdarah - darah ni! Jangan pentingkan diri sendiri boleh tak sial!" Fakhri tried to helped him.

He curve a bitter smile "A-aku? cough Aku s-selfish?" even in this condition he still wants to fight back.

Fakhri knee down to him "Naim!" he cares Naim in his laps, Naim blood on his clothes fabric.

"Naim! Bangun Naim!" Naim barely can't open his eyes, his sight is full of darkness.

Fakhri hugs Naim tightly in his cares. He couldn't do anything except crying. His limbs feel numb.

Amir entered the room, he was shocked seeing Naim in that condition "Fakhri..."

He looked Amir, his eyes filled with tears "Mir...T-tolong abang a-aku" he begged Amir.

📍 I guess you wonder where I've been? Welp I was focusing doing content on YT for abt 2 weeks also I'll be going to asrama next week. So enjoy this crap!

And why did i created this scene but different pov? Well, first I just love this overwhelmed scene of them. Second, I love making Naim suffering;)

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