Naim | Buli

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Naim turned off the water tap, he took a small towel next to him and rubbed his wet face with it.

He looked up at the mirror, his eyes locked with his reflection. Half naked body with a few bruises on it.

Tears started to fill his eyes, any moment it could drop. But he didn't care, even if he cries blood no one, no one will care.

He felt ashamed of himself, such a weak boy. Such a coward. Such a crybaby.

Naim gripped his fist as he closed his eyes. He couldn't look at himself, he was embarrassed.

"Sial..." said him with a stuttering voice. He crossed his arm covering his body.

"Kenapa aku? Kenapa aku? Apa salah aku...?" he asked himself with tears started fall down.

What's wrong for being weak? Why does everything about being the tough? Is that a term to be at KUDRAT? Boys can't cry? Fuck that.

Maybe it is. Maybe it's his fault not be able to defend himself. Such a pathetic little lad, getting bullied with upper form.

It's hurt, It hurts so much. Even his heart and brain feel it to.

The others didn't cared, all they do is just beat up the juniors especially the weak one, like him.

Naim take a deep breath in and out, heavy breath with whimpers between it. His heart beating so fast.

He slowly opened his eyes "A-aku t-tak lemah...aku tak lembut"

He chuckled a bit "Semua ni salah kau, salah kau!" he pointed his own reflection, blame it on his self.

"Semua ni takkan jadi kalau kau tak lemah! Pengecut!" he fist tighten.

Naim was about to punch the mirror, before he could...

"Naim?!" someone opened the door, luckily.

Naim startled as he turns around "Mama...?" he quickly covered his body with his bare hands.

Idah gasped looking at Naim bruises, how long he have been like this? "Naim...kenapa ni?"

He couldn't speak even his limbs feel numbs. There's nothing he could do, she'll now it anyway.

"Mama...N-Naim t-takut" he whines. He was to afraid to tell anyone about his sore life at KUDRAT. He lost, the bruise itself won't healed.

Idah approached the fragile boy, she hugged him. Letting his tears fall to her clothes.

"Naim takut mama...Naim takut" he stuttered.

Idah tried her best to comforting him, no mother will let anyone hurt their child. She couldn't look at Naim in this condition, he was the ONLY sweetest boy she had.

She had no idea what Naim have been thru at KUDRAT's. What else could it be? It's all boys school.

After clean up, Idah sit next to Naim's bed. She strokes his soft hair, Naim looked up to her.

"Naim okey ke ni? Nak apa-apa tak?" asked Idah. Naim shook his head.

"Mama, kenapa Naim lemah?" he asked.

Idah shocked with his question "Siapa ckp Naim lemah? Naim kan kuat, apa-apa jd pun Naim mesti kene kuat. Paham?"

"Ke Naim nak pindah dari sekolah tu?"
"Tak. Tak nak"
"Dah tu kenapa tak bagitau mama siapa yang buat Naim? Naim kene buli kan?" Idah asked him softly.

Naim didn't answered her questions. Idah understand, he was the wanted so bad to school there because of Harun's stories as ex-student there.

His a soft hearted person. But that doesn't mean he's weak.

Naim just a kid, still a kid on her eyes.

Cookiebueno notes:
Aye another oneshot that I've inspired by this Netflix movie called "Mama" and this song.

Yeah a whole awesome mother son moment. Imma cry now.

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