Reverse PHC

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"Naim, kalau ada apa-apa. Call ayah. Okey?" said Harun while patting Naim's shoulder. Naim nods "Okey"  in sign language.

Harun sighed. He really don't want to leave Naim alone like this, but this is for his good. Naim got into KUDRAT cause he is an excellent student.

Harun is happy for him but he's worry about Naim. Especially he's muted. But he had to let him go. It's alright Harun, he's a big boy now. He'll be fine.

Naim snaps his finger "Ayah okey?" ask Naim. Harun smiles to the boy "Yes, ayah okey je. Jaga diri tau Naim. Jangan diam jek, kalau ada apa kene...?"

Naim chuckled then he pretend calling someone using his hand. "Good boy" said Harun.

Naim shaked hands with Harun before he leaves. He watches Harun's car leaves KUDRAT'S parking lots. Naim take out his hands out of his pockets, he sighed.

Nothing bad. Nothing bad will happen. Kau dah capai impian kau, Naim. It's you and yourself now. Naim take a deep breath, slowly letting it out. Then he left the area.


Fakhri ran thru the hallway, Azam tried to catch on him from behind "Fakhri! Weih! Kejaplah!" shouted him.

Mana kau? Mana kau? Mana kau?  Fakhri questioning himself. He didn't stop, Azam already exhausted but still he still running.

"Fakhri! Ya Allah, nape dengan kawan aku sekor ni! Sabarlah, Ri!"

Fakhri didn't listen he kept running until he stopped at the 4 Tuah dorm.


Naim sit on his bed after clean up his stuff. He looked the dorm. It's kinda old, not gonna lie. KUDRAT is an old school so it's a common thing.

He stands up and walk closer to his desk. Naim take out a small frame of mirror out of his bag.

He looked the reflection of him, reflection of his feature. He touched a small cut of wound on his forehead. His eyes locks on the mirror.

"Kau buat apa-" Naim startled by the voice from behind, he quickly put down the mirror and facing the figure.

"Whoah!" Amir surprised by Naim's reaction.

Amir and Naim looked each other for a while. "Kau...budak baru masuk kan?" asked Amir to broke the silence.

Naim just nods slowly as a replied. Amir takes a seat on the next bed of Naim while looking at the papers that he brings with him.

"Haah, dorm ni mcm sial kan? But don't worry, ada lagi yang sial daripada tu" said Amir, his eyes still on the papers.

Naim frowned. Dia pikir aku mungkin tertanya-tanya pasal dorm ni ke dari tadi?

Amir looked Naim "Kau tak nak duduk ke?"

Naim didn't replied, he take a seat to his own bed. He then pointed at something to Amir, Amir frowned. He then looked at his name tag, Naim was pointing at it.

"Name aku Amir, aku roommate kau kat dorm ni, dorm Tuah" Amir introduce himself. "Dan kalau ikutkan aku tak nak buat keje ni, tapi dah kene suruh buat jeklah" add Amir.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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