Naim | Mimpi buruk ( 2 )

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Naim's POV :

Naim look at the scar's on his arm, fresh blood coming out from it. A lot of tear's flowing on his cheeks; sobbing, he don't know what to do now.

He hear a voice again. Naim glare at the door once then he slowly stand up, while he put his other hand covering his bleeding scar's.

He couldn't recognize the voice "D-dah lah…ak- aku dah p-penat" muttering under his weak breath. Suddenly...

Hakeem scream, both of them get scare after seeing each other. 

Naim accidentally hit himself against the wall, slide down sitting; shielding his body.

"Kau ni asal Keem!" Hakeem runs to Kahar backs; pointing his finger towards Naim.

Hakeem then shake Kahar shoulders from behind "A-aku terkejut sial! Mana aku tau kalau Naim ada!"

Kahar shove Hakeem hand's off him "Haish kau ni!" he glare at him. The clique startled, hearing someones crying in the room.

Naim cover his eyes, tucking his feet under himself.

"Naim?" Kahar raise his eyebrows. They approach the younger slowly.

Naim afraid if this still an illusion, he scared to open his eyes. Hearing Kahar calling his name make him overthinking if is real or not he'll be a shame of himself. Soft and so pathetic, this is not what he wanted to people to know or see him like this.

Kahar crouch down to him "Naim tak lawak dho" Kahar chuckle awkwardly, he thinks Naim just playing around try to scare them.

"Naim! Kau kat mana?!" Mia arrived in front 4 Tuah dorm. She look inside, there were High Council's and Naim.

"Naim!" Mia runs to get Naim. Kahar scoot a bit, he look at the others. They also don't understand what happening.

Mia slowly reach Naim hands, pull it off from covering his face. Naim eyes was red, how long has he been crying? There were blood smudge up on his face.

She cupping the younger jaw; forcing him facing her "Kau kenapa ni?!" Naim flinched;
sobbing. His whole body was shivering.

Kahar look at Naim arm "Keem, Zahrin korang pergi amik air dgn kain, Fahmi kau cari medkit" without asking the Kapla they all nods and leave the room.

"Tahan sikit" Fahmi wrap Naim's wounds. He's wounds a little sore when Fahmi pour oil on it.

While Kahar helps Mia cleaning his face, she pass to Kahar a wet towel as he gave a new one.

After changing his clothes and clean up everything. The room was silent for a moment, Mia then take a sit next to Naim's bed.

"Naim kau kenapa ni?" she hold Naim hand, he feel warmth of her touch. Naim hesitate, he look up to her then to the others in the room. He shook his head off "A-aku ok jek, pening kepala"

Kahar didn't accept his excuse "Mcm tu pening kepala? Sampai kau kelar tangan kau, ha menggigil satu badan"

Naim look down, he scare to look at them in the eyes. Especially Kahar

If they keep asking Naim abt what happened he probably feel uncomfortable. Mia clear her throat "Hmm, apa kata kite pegi turun bwh ok? Aku ada beli makanan, korang pun belum makan kan?"

The others look at Mia, they nods. Mia take Naim blue jacket; it was hanging at back door, she then help Naim wears it.

"Ok jom lah turun, korang tunggu apa lagi?"

"WAHHH! Nasi Goreng!" Hakeem look at the food; he was really hungry.

Fahmi smack his head, while the others chuckle at his reaction "Kau ni mcm tak pernah makan setahun"

"Mcmana akk tahu kitaorang tak balik?" Kahar ask Mia. "Aku nampak korang kat belakang sekolah jd aku pikir mmg korang tak balik lah kan"

"Thank you Akak DM" Mia roll her eyes "Mia. Tak de hal lah, kesian aku tengok korang ni nanti"

Naim stare at the porridge that Mia bought for him "Asal kau tak makan? Tak sedap ke aku masak?" Naim frowned "Kau masak ke semua ni?"

"Kau punya jek, yg lain aku beli" Mia scoop a little bit of porridge "Nah makan cepat! Jangan risau takde nye aku nak racun kau bagai"

Naim take a little taste his eyes open wide; he likes it "Sedap? Ofc lah an aku yg masak kot" Mia grin looking at his reaction.

While the others eyeing at the duo
"Naim, aku tak tau pulak kau ada...kakak?" asked Zahrin.

Both of them look at each other "Welp damn aku tua sangat ke?" Zahrin shook "Aku tak ckp!"

Naim softly chuckle "Mia dia...tokan" Hakeem choked while drinking "TOKAN?!" The others was cooed while Mia and Naim burst out laughing.

"Ok dah² makan dulu nanti sambung sembang k?"

"Jadi kau tau lah Naim tak balik?" Kahar ask Mia "Ye, lagi pun kalau aku tak nampak korang petang tadi rasanya dah kebuluran dah korang"

She gave Naim water after he swallow some medicine, he then lean his head on Mia's shoulder.

"Kau ok dah ke?" Naim look up to her "Ok sikit" say him, while playing with his fabric jacket.

She stroke Naim soft hair "Kau ok ke duk sini?" Naim hummed "Tak pe diorang kan ada, boleh lah tolong aku kot?"

"Kau pun tak ckp kau tak balik, nasib kitaorang jumpa kau kalau tak apa entah bende bodoh kau buat nanti" Kahar raise his voice, he do care abt Naim the others to.

Mia look at her watch "Aku dah lambat dah ni, aku geraklah dulu"

Then she take out 2 boxes of cigarettes "Nah kongsi lah korang ye, pape call aku" signing phone with her hand.

They wait until Mia left the DM. Kahar sat next to Naim "Kau tak ckp tokan tu awek kau!" he smack Naim at his elbow.

Naim laugh "Aku tak ckp pun dia awek aku!"
Fahim rolls his eyes "Yelah tu"


Luckyyyynash notes:

Also my chemistry of NaiMia i actually wanted to make them like older sister and at the same time a girlfriend to him. Cause why not she 2 years older from him right;)

Anyways got motivation to write this by listening to: City pretty night light - Saixse

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